Spread 242




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year: 1935-1936

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Katie Hill 1624 Division St 1624 Division St A Lee Ellis 62 October 5 Wm T Hill 1624 Division St Wm T Hill Broncho Pneumonia
Joseph Emerson 1123 Whitelock St John Hopkins Hospt Wm Kelsey 47 September 30 Bessie Emmerson 1123 Whitelock St Bessie Emerson Peritonitis
Esther Scott 1033 Argyle Ave Balt City Hospt N V W Wright 26 October 9 Gracie Johnson 1514 W Mulberry St Gracie Johnson Acute Miliary Tuberculosis
Cisero J Stanley 1079 W Fayette St Balt City Hospt W A Hoover 60 October 8 Emma Stanley 1079 W Fayette St Emma Stanley Diabetes Mellitus
Bennie Sewell 1848 Penna Ave Balt City Hopst N V Wright 40 October 7 Mary F White 1848 Penna Ave Mary F White Cerebral Apoplexy
Andrew Gumm Chestertown MD Chestertown MD D Wm Richmond 72 October 6 Beatrice Johnson 238 College Ave Beatrice Johnson Chronic Myocarditis
Annie J Braxton 1404 May St 1404 May St George S Allen 42 October 3 Thomas Braxton 1004 K St Thomas Braxton Cerebral Apoplexy
Angelos Davenport 1006 Penna Ave St Joseph Hospt F R Stephenson 66 September 21 Alex Davenport Louis H Davenport Intestinal Obstruction
Helen Calaman Wright 1104 Carey St 1104 N Carey St C Ham 31 October 9 Lottie Brown 1104 N Carey St Lottie Brown Coronary Thombosis
Charley Leonish 654 W Barre St 654 W Barre St C Guy Banley 23 October 14 Edith Cornish 614 Barre St Edith Cornish Pulmonary Hemorrhage
Clara C Seaton 1330 N Carey St 1330 N Carey St Wm H Wright 53 September 10 James E Seaton 1330 N Carey St James E Seaton Coronary Thrombosis
Anthony Brown New Lisbon NJ New Lisbon NJ 81 June 13 Maggie Brown 932 W Fayette St Maggie Brown Arteriosclerosis
Handy Douglas 51 Broad St Concord NC Concord NC W C Bancum 57 October 14 James Douglas James Douglas Gangrene Right Thigh
Annie Jones 1337 Mosher St 1337 Mosher St C Ham 52 October 7 Christian Aid Assoc Elijah House Chronic Myocarditis
Daniel Price 1624 E Eager St 1624 E Eager St Stanly Bennett 70 September 26 MD Grand Lodge of MD George Whiteworth Respiratory Failure
Nora Fisher 2129 Penna Ave 2129 Penna Ave B W Hatcher 51 October 15 Dora Dickerson 2129 Penna Ave Dora Dickerson Carcinoma
John H Turner Jr Albany NY Albany NY Wm H Highshire 32 October 14 John W Turner Sr 642 Mosher St John W Turner Sr Pelvic Abscess
William H Green 1707 Orleans St 1707 Orleans St Geo S Allen 56 October 16 Lula Green 1707 Orleans St Lula Green Acute Pulmonary Hemorrhage
Annie Jones 1337 Mosher St 1337 Mosher St C Ham 52 October 7 Lovella Saunders 1624 Harlem Ave Lovella Saunders Chronic Myocarditis
Georgia Johnson Hunting Hill MD Hunting Hill MD Wm A Linthicum 54 September 17 Joseph Wilson Johnson Rockville MD Joseph Wilson Johnson Myocarditis
Annie Mitchell 1034 Leadenhall St 1034 Leadenhall St D H Carrell 40 October 18 Elizabeth Commodore 932 S Eutaw St Elizabeth Commodore Intestinal Nephritis
Albert Fully 625 N Bond St John Hopkins Hospt Paul Shenker 24 October 19 Geneva Ball 625 N Bond St Geneva Ball Tuberculosis of Spine
Anna Brooks 314 Forest St 314 Forest St N H Cargill 60 October 19 Beatrice Black 703 Forrest St Beatrice Black Carcinoma
Carrie Franks 2513 Madison Ave 2513 Madison Ave M L Bands 45 October 8 Christina Herbert 2513 Mad Ave Christina Herbert Coronary Embolism
Carrie Franks 2513 Madison Ave 2513 Madison Ave M L Bands 45 October 8 Solomon Franks 2513 Madison Ave Solomon Franks Coronary Embolism

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