Spread 294




Status: Complete

year: 1938

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Ida Hailstork 513 N. Carlton St. 513 N. Carlton St. W. F. Noelle 65 May 30 Charles Waters 513 N. Carlton St. Charles Waters Vascular Renal Disease
Lucille Straughn 1224 W. Laf. Ave. Provident Hospt. Jas. D. Carr 18 March 25 Azie Straughn Eram Hyacinth.Va. Azie Straughn Eram Endocarditis
Teresa Dennis 2444 D. Hill Ave. 2444 D. Hill Ave. M. D. Bandr. 64 June 2 Harris Dennis Annapolis, Md. Harris Dennis Intestinal Obstruction
Sam'l Knox 1301 Myrtle Ave. 1301 Myrtle Ave. Geo. Allen 65 May 26 Eva Thornton 2100 D. Hill Ave. Eva Thornton Hemorrhage
Preston Waters 105 N. Carrolton Ave. John Hopkins Hospt. H. F. Klinefelter 31 June 2 Martha Waters 105 N. Carrolton Ave. Martha Waters Carcinomia Exhaustion
Etta Lucas 49 Union St., Westminster, Md. Provident Hospital W. G. Spercher 55 May 30 Evelyn E. Frisby 49 Union St., Westminster, Md. Evelyn E. Frisby Myocardial Decompensation
William C. Nicholson 1816 Maryland Ave. 209 E. 20 1/2 St. Geo. Allen 66 June 1 Olga C. Nicholson Dorsey 1423 Myrtle Ave. Olga C. Nicholson Dorsey Acute cerebal apoplexy
Ernestine Anderson 1525 McCulloh St. Mercy Hospital S. E. Miller 18 May 29 Grady Anderson 1525 McCulloh St. Grady Anderson acute nephritis
Maggie Diggs 1818 McCulloh St. 1818 McCulloh St. B. N. Hatcher 64 June 4 Elva Diggs Mennis 2116 D. Hill Ave. Elva Diggs Mennis acute myocarditis
Frances Dennis 1029 Madison Ave. 1029 Madison Ave. Geo. Allen 64 June 3 Marguerite Butler 2419 Madison Ave. Marguerite Butler acute cerebal apoplexy
Maggie Hobbs Cambridge, Md. Cambridge, Md. John Moore Jr. 39 June 2 William Hollis Cambridge, Md. William Hollis acute gastro Enteritis
Alexander Humphries 2206 Penna Ave. Crownsville, Md. Crownsville, Md. 57 May 28 Cora Gail 705 School St. Cora Gail General paralysis of the insane
Mary Parker 1373 N. Calhoun St. 1373 N. Calhoun St. Wm. H. Fiplitt 57 June 5 Mable Davenport 1373 Calhoun St. Mable Davenport Cardiac Failure
Sarah H. Lewis 1112 N. Bond St. Johns Hopkins Hospital J. A. Luebecker Jr. 53 June 3 Arthur Lewis 1112 N. Bond St. Arthur Lewis Diabetes Mellitus
Phoebe Stevens New York City 265 W. 114th St., N.Y.C. Lenwood L. Holmes 72 May 30 John E. George 1011 Providence St. John E. George Hypertensive Heart Disease
Emily Turner 2328 Guilford Ave. 2328 Guilford Ave. W. H. Pearce 68 June 4 Emma Swanor 2328 Guilford Ave. Emma Swanor Cerebal Hemorrhage
Mary (Mae) N. Alexander 1213 N. Stricker St. Henryton, Md. Reuben Hoffman 23 May 30 Bettie Alexander 1213 N. Stricker St. Bettie Alexander Pulmonary T.B.
Dorothy Calloway 1714 E. Preston St. 1714 E. Preston St. A. C. Burwell 35 June 5 Robert Calloway 1714 E. Preston St. Robert Calloway Cerebal apoplexy
Thewdick Gentry 1809 Elchase St. Johns Hopkins Hospt. 12 June 8 Mattie Nelson 1809 Elchase St. Mattie Nelson Cerebral Hemorhage
Alice Day Turner's Station Turner's Station J. H. Thomas 56 May 29 Theodore R. Gray Turner's Station Theodore R. Gray carinoma of uterus
Maria Smith 1126 Etting St. 1126 Etting St. C. H. Fowler 56 June 9 Lydia Chase 1100 Argyle Ave. Lydia Chase Hemorrhage
James E. Williams 1560 N. Carey St. Balto. City Hospital Robert H. Thomson 66 June 9 Gertrude Bush 638 N. Gilmore St. Gertrude Bush cardio Vascular Disease
Anna Jordan 559 Girard St., Havre De Grace, Md. Havre De Grace, Md. C. F. Corran 71 June 8 Sarah J. Osborne Havre De Grace, Md. Sarah J. Osborne Chronic Myrearditis
Elenora G. Hemmings 1552 N. Carey St. Henryton, Md. R. Hoffman 19 June 9 Irene Morton 1552 N. Carey St. Irene Morton Pulmonary Tbc.
Lewis Scranton 315 Lewis St. 315 Lewis St. Geo. F. Allen 36 June 7 Mary Scranton 315 Lewis St. Mary Scranton Hemorrhage

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