Spread 233



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You can create or edit transcriptions by modifying the text entry field and saving. Each modification is stored as a separate version of the page, so that it should be easy to revert to older versions if necessary.

Registered users can also add notes to pages to comment on difficult words, suggest readings, or discuss the texts.

Basic Transcription Conventions

If information is not available leave the field empty. We are not transcribing every available field so please be careful as you move across the page.

Spelling: Transcribe information exactly as it appears, including typos and abbreviations, such as Thpmas or Wm.

Illegible text: If characters in a word are difficult to read, make a guess and enclose the entire word in single square brackets, ending in a question mark: [Tomlinson?] or write [illegible] in square brackets

Addresses: Type the address as it appears, including street name abbreviations, such as Laf. vs. Lafayette.

Ditto Marks: If ditto marks are used to indicate the information is the same as the line above, please write the full information indicated.

Detailed Field Information

Name of Deceased: First and Middle: Enter first and middle name (or initial)

Name of Deceased: Last: Enter the last name

Address of Deceased: Type the address as it appears, including street name abbreviations, such as Laf. vs. Lafayette

Place of Death: Type the address as it appears, including street name abbreviations, such as Laf. vs. Lafayette

Age at Death (Year):Generally just the year. If under a year, write the number of months and abbreviation: 6 mo. or 3 mo.

Physicians Name: First and Middle: Enter first, middle name (or initial)

Physicians Name: Last: Enter the last name

Date of Death (Month): Month of death, do not use abbreviations: August not Aug.

Date of Death (Day): Numerical entry: 1 not First, 2 not Second

Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle: Enter first, middle name (or initial)

Name of Beneficiary: Last: Enter the last name

Address of Beneficiary: Type the address as it appears, including street name abbreviations, such as Laf. vs. Lafayette.

To Whom Paid: First and Middle: Enter first, middle name (or initial)

To Whom Paid: Last: Enter the last name

Cause of Death: Generally transcribe as it appears and use brackets if you are uncertain. If multiple reasons are listed, separate them with a comma. Note: Using Google to determine correct spelling of medical terminology is useful.