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Megan Kean at Apr 24, 2024 06:52 PM

Spread 96

Year: 1930
Name of Deceased: First and MiddleName of Deceased: LastAddress of DeceasedPlace of DeathPhysicians Name: First and MiddlePhysicians Name: LastAge at Death (Year)Date of Death (Month)Date of Death (Day)Name of Beneficiary: First and MiddleName of Beneficiary: Last Address of BeneficiaryTo Whom Paid: First and MiddleTo Whom Paid: LastCause of Death
SamuelTurner306 Park Ave.906 Park Ave.Chas. J.Keller49Nov19AnnieBrown906 Park Ave.AnnieBrownlobar pneumonia
HesterThomas912 Aisquith St.912 AisquithR.J.Young62Nov16MaryScott912 N. Aisquith St.MaryScotturemia
MillieDennisMd. Ave. Crisfield Md.Crisfield Md.W.J.Barkley64Nov15EttaCistonCrisfield Md.EttaCostonuremia
AliceBrownSharptown Md.Sharptown Md.E.R.Osler60Nov18BenjaminBrownMardela Springs Md.BenjaminBrownparalysis
LouiseMilesSecond St. Salisbury Md.301 2nd St. Salisbury Md.H.R.Mann42Nov15WilliamMiles301 2nd St. Salisbury Md.WilliamMilesparalysis
James A.Queen1341 Whatcoat St.1341 Whatcoat St.A. LeeEllis40Nov22EvaQueen832 N. Carey St.EvaQueenpulmonary tuberculosis
EdmondMaynard2025 Madison Ave.Balto. City Hospt.PaulPadget43Nov21CarrieGreena2025 Madison Ave.CarrieGreenacute myocarditis
Estella ParranParham225 N. Schroeder St.225 N. Schroeder St.W.F.[illegible]24Nov24GeorgeParran225 N. Schroeder St.GeorgeParranpulmonalis
EllaRichardson1362 Whatcoat St.Crownsville State Hospt.G.H.Fautert63Nov11Gertrude RichardsonTaylor1616 E. Madison St.Gertrude RichardsonTaylorcerebral arteriosclerosis
AbrahamTrayham1605 E. Madison St.1605 E. Madison St.J. Edw.Fisher45Nov27JeannettTraynham1605 E. Madison St.JeannettTraynhamacute dilatation
JosephDorsey Jr.St. Mary's Co.Ridge Md.J.P.King20Nov19CoraBrownRidge Md.CoraBrowntuberculosis
WilliamBurke1318 N. Mount St.1318 N. Mount St.B.M.Rhetta50Nov28AnnieBurke1318 N. Mount St.AnnieBurkeacute nephritis
ThomasColeman1141 Brewer St.Balto. City HospitalPaulPadget50Dec1EstellaYoung1107 Pennsylvania Ave.EstellaYoungbronchopneumonia
JoelCarmecks207 Aisquith St.207 Aisquith St.E.M.Boyle64Nov27Trustees of Balto. A.M.E. Conference207 Aisquith St.Supt. Harney E.Waldenuremia
John I.Christy608 Brune St.706 Brune St.F.E.Wagner68Nov30Annie R.Christy1329 N. Mount St.Annie R.Christycancer of stomach
James M.Dorsey2009 Fitzwater St. Phila Pa.2009 Fitzwater St. Phila Pa.35Nov25Mary L.DorseyCooksville Md.Mary L.Dorsey
AlbertJohnson214 S. Spring St.Johns Hopkins Hospt.HenryLee41Dec4AgnesLyttle1700 Carbon Ave. Fairfield Md.AgnesLyttleintestinal obstruction
MarthaGuy1358 Fremont St.Balto. City HosptPaulPadget50Dec5AnnieWatts2004 Madison Ave.AnnieWattsbronchopneumonia
LizzieMurray1030 Leadenhall St.1030 Leadenhall St.C.H.Fowler40Dec7CarrollWilson1030 Leadenhall St.CarrollWilsoncerebral hemorrhage
BlancheHutchins1636 E. Monument St.1636 E. Monument St.E. MayfieldBoyle35Dec7IreneHutchins1636 E. Monument St.IreneHutchinsgeneral asthenia [and] exhaustion
MaggieBundyKilmarnock Va.Kilmarnock Va.M.E.Morris65Nov27Paul J.Bundy1441 N. Carey St.Paul J.Bundycancer of uterus
Mary JuliaRoss331 N. Gilmore St.331 N. Gilmore St.W.J.Jackson38Dec6ClaraCamn331 N. Gilmore St.ClaraCammarteriosclerosis apoplexy
Chas. W.Briscoe1417 Jefferson St.1417 Jefferson St.R.J.Young50Dec9BellezuraBriscoe1417 Jefferson St.BellzuraBriscoecardiac dilatation
HarriettJohnson302 N. Gilmore St.302 N. Gilmore St.W.S.Taylor50Dec8SamuelJohnson302 N. Gilmore St.Sam'l & WilliamJohnsonlobar pneumonia
GeorgeHolley1934 Woodstock St. Phila Pa.1934 Woodstock St. Phila Pa.R.E.Hacker41Nov7AnnieJacksonJohn C.McKainlobar pneumonia

Year: 1930

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Samuel Turner 306 Park Ave. 906 Park Ave. Chas. J. Keller 49 Nov 19 Annie Brown 906 Park Ave. Annie Brown lobar pneumonia
Hester Thomas 912 Aisquith St. 912 Aisquith R.J. Young 62 Nov 16 Mary Scott 912 N. Aisquith St. Mary Scott uremia
Millie Dennis Md. Ave. Crisfield Md. Crisfield Md. W.J. Barkley 64 Nov 15 Etta Ciston Crisfield Md. Etta Coston uremia
Alice Brown Sharptown Md. Sharptown Md. E.R. Osler 60 Nov 18 Benjamin Brown Mardela Springs Md. Benjamin Brown paralysis
Louise Miles Second St. Salisbury Md. 301 2nd St. Salisbury Md. H.R. Mann 42 Nov 15 William Miles 301 2nd St. Salisbury Md. William Miles paralysis
James A. Queen 1341 Whatcoat St. 1341 Whatcoat St. A. Lee Ellis 40 Nov 22 Eva Queen 832 N. Carey St. Eva Queen pulmonary tuberculosis
Edmond Maynard 2025 Madison Ave. Balto. City Hospt. Paul Padget 43 Nov 21 Carrie Greena 2025 Madison Ave. Carrie Green acute myocarditis
Estella Parran Parham 225 N. Schroeder St. 225 N. Schroeder St. W.F. [illegible] 24 Nov 24 George Parran 225 N. Schroeder St. George Parran pulmonalis
Ella Richardson 1362 Whatcoat St. Crownsville State Hospt. G.H. Fautert 63 Nov 11 Gertrude Richardson Taylor 1616 E. Madison St. Gertrude Richardson Taylor cerebral arteriosclerosis
Abraham Trayham 1605 E. Madison St. 1605 E. Madison St. J. Edw. Fisher 45 Nov 27 Jeannett Traynham 1605 E. Madison St. Jeannett Traynham acute dilatation
Joseph Dorsey Jr. St. Mary's Co. Ridge Md. J.P. King 20 Nov 19 Cora Brown Ridge Md. Cora Brown tuberculosis
William Burke 1318 N. Mount St. 1318 N. Mount St. B.M. Rhetta 50 Nov 28 Annie Burke 1318 N. Mount St. Annie Burke acute nephritis
Thomas Coleman 1141 Brewer St. Balto. City Hospital Paul Padget 50 Dec 1 Estella Young 1107 Pennsylvania Ave. Estella Young bronchopneumonia
Joel Carmecks 207 Aisquith St. 207 Aisquith St. E.M. Boyle 64 Nov 27 Trustees of Balto. A.M.E. Conference 207 Aisquith St. Supt. Harney E. Walden uremia
John I. Christy 608 Brune St. 706 Brune St. F.E. Wagner 68 Nov 30 Annie R. Christy 1329 N. Mount St. Annie R. Christy cancer of stomach
James M. Dorsey 2009 Fitzwater St. Phila Pa. 2009 Fitzwater St. Phila Pa. 35 Nov 25 Mary L. Dorsey Cooksville Md. Mary L. Dorsey
Albert Johnson 214 S. Spring St. Johns Hopkins Hospt. Henry Lee 41 Dec 4 Agnes Lyttle 1700 Carbon Ave. Fairfield Md. Agnes Lyttle intestinal obstruction
Martha Guy 1358 Fremont St. Balto. City Hospt Paul Padget 50 Dec 5 Annie Watts 2004 Madison Ave. Annie Watts bronchopneumonia
Lizzie Murray 1030 Leadenhall St. 1030 Leadenhall St. C.H. Fowler 40 Dec 7 Carroll Wilson 1030 Leadenhall St. Carroll Wilson cerebral hemorrhage
Blanche Hutchins 1636 E. Monument St. 1636 E. Monument St. E. Mayfield Boyle 35 Dec 7 Irene Hutchins 1636 E. Monument St. Irene Hutchins general asthenia [and] exhaustion
Maggie Bundy Kilmarnock Va. Kilmarnock Va. M.E. Morris 65 Nov 27 Paul J. Bundy 1441 N. Carey St. Paul J. Bundy cancer of uterus
Mary Julia Ross 331 N. Gilmore St. 331 N. Gilmore St. W.J. Jackson 38 Dec 6 Clara Camn 331 N. Gilmore St. Clara Camm arteriosclerosis apoplexy
Chas. W. Briscoe 1417 Jefferson St. 1417 Jefferson St. R.J. Young 50 Dec 9 Bellezura Briscoe 1417 Jefferson St. Bellzura Briscoe cardiac dilatation
Harriett Johnson 302 N. Gilmore St. 302 N. Gilmore St. W.S. Taylor 50 Dec 8 Samuel Johnson 302 N. Gilmore St. Sam'l & William Johnson lobar pneumonia
George Holley 1934 Woodstock St. Phila Pa. 1934 Woodstock St. Phila Pa. R.E. Hacker 41 Nov 7 Annie Jackson John C. McKain lobar pneumonia

Spread 96

Year: 1930
Name of Deceased: First and MiddleName of Deceased: LastAddress of DeceasedPlace of DeathPhysicians Name: First and MiddlePhysicians Name: LastAge at Death (Year)Date of Death (Month)Date of Death (Day)Name of Beneficiary: First and MiddleName of Beneficiary: Last Address of BeneficiaryTo Whom Paid: First and MiddleTo Whom Paid: LastCause of Death
SamuelTurner306 Park Ave.906 Park Ave.Chas. J.Keller49Nov19AnnieBrown906 Park Ave.AnnieBrownlobar pneumonia
HesterThomas912 Aisquith St.912 AisquithR.J.Young62Nov16MaryScott912 N. Aisquith St.MaryScotturemia
MillieDennisMd. Ave. Crisfield Md.Crisfield Md.W.J.Barkley64Nov15EttaCistonCrisfield Md.EttaCostonuremia
AliceBrownSharptown Md.Sharptown Md.E.R.Osler60Nov18BenjaminBrownMardela Springs Md.BenjaminBrownparalysis
LouiseMilesSecond St. Salisbury Md.301 2nd St. Salisbury Md.H.R.Mann42Nov15WilliamMiles301 2nd St. Salisbury Md.WilliamMilesparalysis
James A.Queen1341 Whatcoat St.1341 Whatcoat St.A. LeeEllis40Nov22EvaQueen832 N. Carey St.EvaQueenpulmonary tuberculosis
EdmondMaynard2025 Madison Ave.Balto. City Hospt.PaulPadget43Nov21CarrieGreena2025 Madison Ave.CarrieGreenacute myocarditis
Estella ParranParham225 N. Schroeder St.225 N. Schroeder St.W.F.[illegible]24Nov24GeorgeParran225 N. Schroeder St.GeorgeParranpulmonalis
EllaRichardson1362 Whatcoat St.Crownsville State Hospt.G.H.Fautert63Nov11Gertrude RichardsonTaylor1616 E. Madison St.Gertrude RichardsonTaylorcerebral arteriosclerosis
AbrahamTrayham1605 E. Madison St.1605 E. Madison St.J. Edw.Fisher45Nov27JeannettTraynham1605 E. Madison St.JeannettTraynhamacute dilatation
JosephDorsey Jr.St. Mary's Co.Ridge Md.J.P.King20Nov19CoraBrownRidge Md.CoraBrowntuberculosis
WilliamBurke1318 N. Mount St.1318 N. Mount St.B.M.Rhetta50Nov28AnnieBurke1318 N. Mount St.AnnieBurkeacute nephritis
ThomasColeman1141 Brewer St.Balto. City HospitalPaulPadget50Dec1EstellaYoung1107 Pennsylvania Ave.EstellaYoungbronchopneumonia
JoelCarmecks207 Aisquith St.207 Aisquith St.E.M.Boyle64Nov27Trustees of Balto. A.M.E. Conference207 Aisquith St.Supt. Harney E.Waldenuremia
John I.Christy608 Brune St.706 Brune St.F.E.Wagner68Nov30Annie R.Christy1329 N. Mount St.Annie R.Christycancer of stomach
James M.Dorsey2009 Fitzwater St. Phila Pa.2009 Fitzwater St. Phila Pa.35Nov25Mary L.DorseyCooksville Md.Mary L.Dorsey
AlbertJohnson214 S. Spring St.Johns Hopkins Hospt.HenryLee41Dec4AgnesLyttle1700 Carbon Ave. Fairfield Md.AgnesLyttleintestinal obstruction
MarthaGuy1358 Fremont St.Balto. City HosptPaulPadget50Dec5AnnieWatts2004 Madison Ave.AnnieWattsbronchopneumonia
LizzieMurray1030 Leadenhall St.1030 Leadenhall St.C.H.Fowler40Dec7CarrollWilson1030 Leadenhall St.CarrollWilsoncerebral hemorrhage
BlancheHutchins1636 E. Monument St.1636 E. Monument St.E. MayfieldBoyle35Dec7IreneHutchins1636 E. Monument St.IreneHutchinsgeneral asthenia [and] exhaustion
MaggieBundyKilmarnock Va.Kilmarnock Va.M.E.Morris65Nov27Paul J.Bundy1441 N. Carey St.Paul J.Bundycancer of uterus
Mary JuliaRoss331 N. Gilmore St.331 N. Gilmore St.W.J.Jackson38Dec6ClaraCamn331 N. Gilmore St.ClaraCammarteriosclerosis apoplexy
Chas. W.Briscoe1417 Jefferson St.1417 Jefferson St.R.J.Young50Dec9BellezuraBriscoe1417 Jefferson St.BellzuraBriscoecardiac dilatation
HarriettJohnson302 N. Gilmore St.302 N. Gilmore St.W.S.Taylor50Dec8SamuelJohnson302 N. Gilmore St.Sam'l & WilliamJohnsonlobar pneumonia
GeorgeHolley1934 Woodstock St. Phila Pa.1934 Woodstock St. Phila Pa.R.E.Hacker41Nov7AnnieJacksonJohn C.McKainlobar pneumonia

Year: 1930

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Samuel Turner 306 Park Ave. 906 Park Ave. Chas. J. Keller 49 Nov 19 Annie Brown 906 Park Ave. Annie Brown lobar pneumonia
Hester Thomas 912 Aisquith St. 912 Aisquith R.J. Young 62 Nov 16 Mary Scott 912 N. Aisquith St. Mary Scott uremia
Millie Dennis Md. Ave. Crisfield Md. Crisfield Md. W.J. Barkley 64 Nov 15 Etta Ciston Crisfield Md. Etta Coston uremia
Alice Brown Sharptown Md. Sharptown Md. E.R. Osler 60 Nov 18 Benjamin Brown Mardela Springs Md. Benjamin Brown paralysis
Louise Miles Second St. Salisbury Md. 301 2nd St. Salisbury Md. H.R. Mann 42 Nov 15 William Miles 301 2nd St. Salisbury Md. William Miles paralysis
James A. Queen 1341 Whatcoat St. 1341 Whatcoat St. A. Lee Ellis 40 Nov 22 Eva Queen 832 N. Carey St. Eva Queen pulmonary tuberculosis
Edmond Maynard 2025 Madison Ave. Balto. City Hospt. Paul Padget 43 Nov 21 Carrie Greena 2025 Madison Ave. Carrie Green acute myocarditis
Estella Parran Parham 225 N. Schroeder St. 225 N. Schroeder St. W.F. [illegible] 24 Nov 24 George Parran 225 N. Schroeder St. George Parran pulmonalis
Ella Richardson 1362 Whatcoat St. Crownsville State Hospt. G.H. Fautert 63 Nov 11 Gertrude Richardson Taylor 1616 E. Madison St. Gertrude Richardson Taylor cerebral arteriosclerosis
Abraham Trayham 1605 E. Madison St. 1605 E. Madison St. J. Edw. Fisher 45 Nov 27 Jeannett Traynham 1605 E. Madison St. Jeannett Traynham acute dilatation
Joseph Dorsey Jr. St. Mary's Co. Ridge Md. J.P. King 20 Nov 19 Cora Brown Ridge Md. Cora Brown tuberculosis
William Burke 1318 N. Mount St. 1318 N. Mount St. B.M. Rhetta 50 Nov 28 Annie Burke 1318 N. Mount St. Annie Burke acute nephritis
Thomas Coleman 1141 Brewer St. Balto. City Hospital Paul Padget 50 Dec 1 Estella Young 1107 Pennsylvania Ave. Estella Young bronchopneumonia
Joel Carmecks 207 Aisquith St. 207 Aisquith St. E.M. Boyle 64 Nov 27 Trustees of Balto. A.M.E. Conference 207 Aisquith St. Supt. Harney E. Walden uremia
John I. Christy 608 Brune St. 706 Brune St. F.E. Wagner 68 Nov 30 Annie R. Christy 1329 N. Mount St. Annie R. Christy cancer of stomach
James M. Dorsey 2009 Fitzwater St. Phila Pa. 2009 Fitzwater St. Phila Pa. 35 Nov 25 Mary L. Dorsey Cooksville Md. Mary L. Dorsey
Albert Johnson 214 S. Spring St. Johns Hopkins Hospt. Henry Lee 41 Dec 4 Agnes Lyttle 1700 Carbon Ave. Fairfield Md. Agnes Lyttle intestinal obstruction
Martha Guy 1358 Fremont St. Balto. City Hospt Paul Padget 50 Dec 5 Annie Watts 2004 Madison Ave. Annie Watts bronchopneumonia
Lizzie Murray 1030 Leadenhall St. 1030 Leadenhall St. C.H. Fowler 40 Dec 7 Carroll Wilson 1030 Leadenhall St. Carroll Wilson cerebral hemorrhage
Blanche Hutchins 1636 E. Monument St. 1636 E. Monument St. E. Mayfield Boyle 35 Dec 7 Irene Hutchins 1636 E. Monument St. Irene Hutchins general asthenia [and] exhaustion
Maggie Bundy Kilmarnock Va. Kilmarnock Va. M.E. Morris 65 Nov 27 Paul J. Bundy 1441 N. Carey St. Paul J. Bundy cancer of uterus
Mary Julia Ross 331 N. Gilmore St. 331 N. Gilmore St. W.J. Jackson 38 Dec 6 Clara Camn 331 N. Gilmore St. Clara Camm arteriosclerosis apoplexy
Chas. W. Briscoe 1417 Jefferson St. 1417 Jefferson St. R.J. Young 50 Dec 9 Bellezura Briscoe 1417 Jefferson St. Bellzura Briscoe cardiac dilatation
Harriett Johnson 302 N. Gilmore St. 302 N. Gilmore St. W.S. Taylor 50 Dec 8 Samuel Johnson 302 N. Gilmore St. Sam'l & William Johnson lobar pneumonia
George Holley 1934 Woodstock St. Phila Pa. 1934 Woodstock St. Phila Pa. R.E. Hacker 41 Nov 7 Annie Jackson John C. McKain lobar pneumonia