Mutual Benefit Society Death Register, October 1926 - June 1938



Spread 10

Spread 10

Year: 1927

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Hannah A. Nelson 209 Rock St 209 Rock St R. Jackson 63 Feb. 19 Lillian Charster 209 Rock St. Lillian Charster Broncho Pneumonia
Priscilla Wallace 537 W. Cross St 537 W. Cross St D.H. Carroll 64 Feb 19 Ella Bordley 537 W. Cross St Ella Bordley Lobar Pneumonia
James H. Gould Millington Md. Millington Md. G.L. Copeland 73 Feb 15 Sarah Gould Millington Md Sarah Gould Nephritis
James F. Onley Barnesville Md Barnesville Md W.C. Miller 68 Feb 14 Wm Thos. Onley Barnesville Md Wm Thos. Only Myocardial Insufficiency
James F. Onley Barnesville Md Barnesville Md W.C. Miller 68 Feb 14 Thomas Onley Barnesville Md Thos. Only Myocardial Insufficiency
Wm Goldsboro Chestertown Chestertown Turpin 52 Feb 15 Martha Cann 222 Queen St Martha Cann
Alex Banks 1004 McCulloh St Balti. City Hosp 54 Jan. 23 Mamie Ma Gruder 1322 McCulloh St Mamie Ma Gruder
Rosa Tobin 1915 Division St 1915 Division St B. Fargo 67 Feb. 18 Edw. F. Barnett 1915 Division St Edw. F. Barnett Broncho Pneumonia
Martha Phillips 324 N. Gilmore St St. Paul & Biddle Sts W. Riley 41 Feb 21 Thomas Ranson 324 N. Gilmore St Thomas Ranson Sudden death
Mary C. Thomas 1328 Woodyear St 1328 Woodyear St E. Wm Frey 65 Feb 23 Mamie Thomas Downs 1328 Woodyear St Mamie Thomas Downs Chronic Valvular Heart disease
George T. Dix 1209 Uplin St Crisfield Md 1209 Uplin St J.R. Coasey 42 Feb 23 Victoria Dix 1209 Upton St Victoria Dix nephritis
Chas. Hall 808 Franklin St 808 W. Franklin St W.F. Noville 48 Feb 21 Mary E. Hall 808 W. Franklin St Mary E. Hall Influenza
Elizabeth (Colberth) Smith 360 W. Biddle St 360 W. Biddle St J.T. Hennessy 47 July 1926 15 Alice Ennis Drury P.O. Md. Alice Ennis Cerebral Hemorrhage
Julia Wallace 1373 N. Carey St 2803 St. Paul St J. Morrissey 58 Feb 1927 24 Ella Wallace 1373 N. Carey St Ella Wallace Valvular Heart disease
Julia Wallace 1373 N. Carey St 2903 St. Paul St J. Morrissey 58 Feb 24 Robert Wallace 1373 N. Carey St Robt Wallace
James Hawkins 109 W. 130th St. New York City Harlem Hospital Sam'l Riley 50 Feb 15 Florence Hawkins 109 W 130th St N.Y. City Florence Hawkins Carcemonia of liver
George B. Carmichael Chestertown Md 208 Front St Chestertown Md Wm Richmond 65 Feb 20 Margaret C Pitman 208 S. Front St Chestertown Md Margaret C. Pitman
Benson Rawlins 905 N. Stricker St 905 N. Stricker St J.T. Hennessy 34 Feb 25 Sarah [Rarlings?] 1400 Mosher St Sarah [Rarlings?] Pneumonia
Lizzie Elizabeth A. Jones 1531 Woodyear St University Hospital E. Dodge 35 Feb 27 Martha E. Jones 2134 Brunt St Martha E. Jones Broncho Pneumonia
Wm O. Figgs 520 Somerset St 520 Somerset St A.J. Young 9 mos. Feb 26 Gertrude Figgs 520 Somerset St Gertrude Figgs Broncho Pneumonia
Mamie E. Gumby 1212 Division St 1212 Division St. Edw. J. Wheatley 28 Feb 27 Wm Gumby 1212 Division St Wm Gumby Mitral Insufficiency
Wash Allen 933 McDonough St 933 McDonough St W.B. Butler 42 Feb 25 Matilda Allen 933 McDonough Matilda Allen Pneumonia
Roland A. Goodwin 617 W. Barre St 617 W. Barre St H.C. Pillsbury 22 Feb 27 Annie Woodwin 224 Otterbein St Annie Goodwin Myocardial Insufficiency
Ross Gross 208 N. Amity St 208 N. Amity St H.M. Williams 17 Mar 1 Charlotte Gross 208 N. Amity St Charlotte Gross Lobar Pneumonia
Mary E. Edwards 1708 Mullikin St. 1708 Mullikin St F.C. Link 62 Fer. 26 John Edwards 170 Mullikin St John Edwards Appoplexy
Last edit 9 months ago by mbrockway
Spread 11

Spread 11

Year: 1927

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Virginia Jennie Stell 1231 Argyle Ave 1231 Argyle Ave R.J. Young 50 Feb 26 Wm Steele 1231 Argyle Ave Wm Sleete myocarditis
C.J. Webb Cambridge Md Cambridge Md G. Steel 79 Feb 20 Mary C. Webb Cambridge md Lewis H. Undertaker Baynum nephritis
Leah Jews Blackwater Dor. Co. Md Blackwater Dor. Co. Md E.E. Wolff 79 Feb 15 Wesley Jews Blackwater Dor Co Md Wesley Jews Cerebral Hemorrhage
Robert Johnson Eastport Md. Eastport Md. J.T. Russell 63 Feb 20 Elizabeth Ennis Eastport md Elizabeth Ennis myocarditis
Carrie Wallace 1422 E. Madison St 1422 E. Madison St. J.E. Fisher 36 Feb 27 William Wallace 1422 E. Madison St William Wallace Lobar Pneumonia
William Harmon Exmore Va Exmore Va B.W. Mears 58 Jan. 31 Lottie Ringgold 814 Harlem Ave Lottie Ringgold Pneumonia
Jas. R. Dyson Blackston Md Md. Tb Sanatorium Henryton Md. John E. O'Neill 21 Feb 11 Willie Dyson Blackstone Md. Willie Dyson Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Wm. H. Johnson 602 School St 602 School St E. Wm Frey 31 Mar. 1 Lena Johnson 602 School St Lena Johnson Lobar Pneumonia
Sarah E. Wilson Crisfield md. Phila Gen. Hospt. A. Harvey 44 Feb. 21 Mary Selby 1704 N. 23rd St Phila Pas Mary Selby Lobar Pneumonia
Susie M. Howard 2302 Madison Ave 2302 Madison Ave G.L. Allen 56 Mar. 2 Harry E. Dorsey 2302 Madison Ave Harry E Dorsey Pneumonia
Edw. Carter 419 S. Fulton St Mt. Sinai D. Schwarz Jr. 48 Feb. 26 Annie Carter 1532 Leslie St. Annie Carter chronic myocarditis
Richard Hall 1630 Madison Ave. 1630 Madison Ave A.J. Young 49 Feb 28 Emma Hall 1630 Mad. Ave Emma Hall carcimonia Bladder
Emma Sharp 89 Charles St Annapolis Md 89 Charles St Annapolis Md A. Garcia 57 Mar 2. Wm Sharp 89 Charles St Wm Sharp. Araemia
Hannah Brown 1145 N. Fremont Ave Beechfield md. W.A. Knell 66 Mar 4 Edvena Ware 638 N. Bruce St Edvena Ware Wilson Broncho Pneumonia
Margaret Chase 1032 Wilmer St 1032 Wilmer al A.L. Ellis 56 Mar 3 Comfort V. Chase 1032 Wilmer Al Comfort V. Chase Broncho Pneumonia
David G. Harcum 1828 Laurens St 1828 Laurens St 1122 N. Mount St J. Graham 34 Mar 3 Sarah Harcum 1828 Laurens St Sarah Harcum
Martha Chisley St. Inigoe's md St. Inigoes md J.O. King 74 Mar 1 Mary E. Bennett St. Inigoes Md Mary E. Bennett arteria sclerosis
Annie Harrison 1603 E. Madison St. 1603 E. Madison St. A.J. Young 37 Mar 7 Sadie Churchill 1603 E. Madison St Sadie Churchill mitral Insufficiency
Alexander Newton 815 N. Dallas St 815 N. Dallas St W.L. Berry 35 Mar 4 Lottie Fleet 815 N. Dallas St. Lottie Fleet acute myocarditis
Pauline Johnson Turner's Station Turner Sta. md. J.H. Thomas 24 Mar 4 Sarah Johnson Turner's Station Md Sarah Johnson Pleurisy
Pauline Johnson Turner's Station Turner Sta. md. J.H. Thomas 24 Mar 4 Jessie Robinson 913 S. Second St Jessie Robinson Pleurisy
Jeremiah Davis 501 Burgundy Al City Hospital G.C. Blades 46 Mar 6 Sarah C. Davis Perry 1115 Madison Ave Sarah Davis Perry Cerebral Hemorrhage
Richard Holland 303 7-Ave N.W. 303-7-Ave. N.W. S.O. Foster 38 Mar 5 Everett Holland 1414 Lawvale St Everett Holland Tuberculosis
Lizzette B. Collins 2423 Madison Ave 2423 Madison Ave G. Goldman 45 Mar 9 Eugene N. Collins 2423 Madison Ave Eugene N Collins cardiac Dilation
Frances Patterson 1648 Mullikin St 1648 Mullikin St J.H. Potter 54 Mar 11 Lillie Johnson 1648 Mullikin St. Lillie Johnson acute Indigestion
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Spread 12

Spread 12

Year: 1927

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Walter Jones 813 Harlem Ave Provident Hospital R.L. Jackson 38 Mar. 10 Sarah E. Wilson 813 Harlem Ave Sarah E. Wilson acute Delatation of heart.
Emma Bell 915 N. Eutaw St. Balti. City Hospital R.H. Smith 51 Mar 12 Mamie G. Margruder 915 N. Eutaw St. Mamie G. Magruder Peritonitis
Emma Bell 915 N. Eutaw St. Balti. City Hospital R.H. Smith 51 Mar 12 Eliza Williams 915 N. Eutaw St. Eliza Williams Peritonitis
Ruth Rodgers Williams 1427 S. Bouvier St Phila Pa Polyclinic Hospt Fred Schwarz 26 Mar 6 Martha Jackson 526 Gold St Martha Jackson Lysol Poison Suicide while Temp deranged
William G. Warfield 722 N. Gilmore St. Balto. Md. J.H. Wilkins 56 Mar 14 Gertrude W. Johnson 722 N. Gilmore St. Gertrude W. Johnson Broncho Pneumonia
John Banks 1113 Watson St John Hopkins Hospital L. Smith 38 Mar 14 Mary Blake 1113 Watson St Mary Blake Ruptured appendix
Laura E. Long 1371 N. Calhoun St. 1371 N. Calhoun St C.H. Fowler 52 Mar 13 Gardner H. Long 1371 N. Calhoun St Gardner H. Long Cerebral Hemorrhage
Louis E. Watkins 1708 Mullikin St City Hospital G.C. Blades 49 Mar 9 Annie Lavinia Watkins 1708 Mullikin St Annie Lavinia Watkins Broncho Pneumonia
Elizabeth Cole 1139 Argyle Ave 1139 Argyle Ave R.B. Kennyon 60 Mar 11 Susie Cole 1139 Argyle Ave Susie Cole Broncho Pneumonia
Thomas Smith 504 N. Eden St. 504 N. Eden St R.J. Young 69 Mar 12 Mary Elizabeth Smith 504 N. Eden St. Mary Elizabeth Smith mitral Insufficiency
George Corpral 1123 May St Balti. City Hospital R. Hooper Smith 53 Mar 4 Frank Brice 803 W. Franklin St Frank Brice Cerebral Hemorrhage
Annie Boyer 727 School St 727 School St E. Wm Frey 62 Mar 11 Lillie Green 641 Vine St Lillie Green chronic valvular Heart disease
Mary Richardson 24 W. Church St 24 W. Church St. J.P. Strong 62 Mar 15 Mary Wheeler 1920 Madison Ave Mary Wheeler general debility and exhaustion
Bettie Elizabeth Lewis 702 N. Stricker St 702 N. Stricker St Ger. C. Page 55 Mar 16 Louise Nash 702 N. Stricker St Louise Nash Cerebral Hemorrhage
Rodrick Mason 413 W. Perry St Balti. City Hospital R. Hooper Smith 56 Mar 15 Gertrude Mason Bellevue md Gertrude Mason Cerebral Hemorrhage
Emma Breeze 1530 Division St. 1530 Division St J.H. Tompkins 46 Mar 12 Mamie Queen 1530 Division St Mamie Queen Acute Toxemia
Hester Thomas 907 Leadenhall St Balti. City Hospital H. Goldsmith 49 Mar 14 Charles Gross 207 W Hamburg St Chas. Gross General paralysis
William J. Walters 700 W. Mulberry St Balti. City Hospital R. Hooper Smith 28 Mar 17 Edna W. Walters 700 W. Mulberry St Edna W. Walters acute nephritis
Ella Margaret Derry Chestertown md Md. Tub. Sanatorium J.E. O'Neill 20 Mar 7 Mary Bonds Chestertown md Mary Bonds Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Mary Clayton 324 Hillside Ave Long Branch N.J. Monmouth Mem. Hospt. Nathal Zibel 42 Feb 11 Junious B. Seldon 1146-33rd St Va Newport News Junious B. Seldon Lobar Pneumonia
Hester Thomas 907 Leadenhall St Balti. City Hospt. H. Goldsmith 49 Mar 14 Mary Pinkney 907 Leadenhall St Mary Pinkney general Paralysis
Laura R. Green 517 W. Lawnvale St Balti. City Hospt. C.H. Smith 70 Mar 18 Phillip S. Handy 1900 D. Hill Ave Phillip S. Handy myocardial failure
William Coleman 1715 Division St Sanatorium Henryton md. Syres 48 Feb. 19 Julia Coleman 1715 Division St Julia Coleman Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Agnes Neal Collins Chaptico md. Crownsville State Hospt 18 Mar 9 John L. Collins Chaptico Md. John L. Collins Exhaustion due to mental disease
William Jones 1406 Rutter St Balti. City Hospital N.B. Cipell 44 Mar 17 Lucille Walker Jones 1406 Rutter St. Lucille Walker Jones Septemia
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Spread 13

Spread 13

Year: 1927

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
John W. Jenkins 614 Pitcher St. 614 Pitcher St T.E. Daugherty 60 Mar 20 Mary Gertrude Jenkins Morsell 1906 D Hill Ave Sam'l T. Hemsley Undertaker apoplexy
Edith Gateword 906 N. Dallas St 906 N. Dallas St J.G. McRae 34 Mar 4 Henry B. Gateword 2357 D. Hill Ave Henry B. Gateword Chr. nephitis apoplexy
Jennie Laura Bell 2035 McCulloh St 2035 McCulloh St J.T. Hennessy 55 Mar 18 Milburn Bell 1533 E Monument St Milburn Bell Burns of Body
Jennie Laura Bell 2035 McCulloh St 2035 McCulloh St J.T. Hennessy 55 Mar 18 Simon Bell 2035 McCulloh St Ida Bailey (Undertaker) Burns of Body
Mary E. Smith 730 Pierce St Balti City Hospital R. Hooper Smith 65 Mar 19 Emma Hammond 736 Pierce St Emma Hammond myocardial Failure
James T. Wheeler 420 Robert St Elkridge Md B.B. Brumbaugh 43 Mar 19 Alice Wheeler 420 Robert St. Alice Wheeler Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Josephine Saunders 1842 N. Spring St 1842 N. Spring St R.G. Chessell 51 Mar 18 Marie Rogers 2436 McCulloh St Marie Rogers Influenza
Jennie Laura Bell 2035 McCulloh St 2035 McCulloh St J.T. Hennessy 55 Mar 18 Eleanor Young 2101 McCulloh St Eleanor Young Burns of Body
Susan Norris 424 N. Mount St 424 N. Mount St F.A. Carpenter 66 Mar 21 Catherine Campbell 424 N. Mount St Catherine Campbell carcimona oespheagus
Sarah Beasley 221 S. Durham St 221 S. Durham St Ger. Allen 34 Mar 24 Eva Beasley 221 S Durham St Eva Beasley Pleuropneumonia
Naomi Johnson Murray 648 W Fairmount Ave 648 W. Fairmount Ave W.F. Noville 38 Mar 24 Alfred Murray 648 Fairmount Ave Alfred Murray nephritis Endocarditis
Caroline Osburn 425 N. Stricker St 425 N. Stricker St Frank E. Wagner 60 Mar 22 James Osburn 1108 Sarahann St Katie R. William Undertaker Angina Pectoris
Christian Bennett 1403 N. Fremont Ave 1403 N. Fremont Ave J.T. Hennessy 34 Mar 27 John Lindsay 1616 Argyle Ave John Lindsay organic heart disease
Thomas Belt 718 W. Mulberry St 718 Mulberry St W.F. Noville 53 Mar 28 Annie Belt 2130 N. Arlington Ave Annie Belt interstitial nephritis
Mary V. Hall 1527 Myrtle Ave 1527 Myrtle Ave W.F. Foville 64 Mar 26 Bessie O. Hall 1527 Myrtle Ave Bessie O. Hall Cerebral apoplexy
Myrtle Henry 1752 Mullikin St John Hopkins Hospt J.K Haemer 30 Mar 26 Henson Henry 1752 Mullikin St Henson Henry Uterine Hemorrhage
William Keys 442 St. Mary's St Balti. City Hospt R. Hooper Smith 51 Mar 25 Maggie Keys 442 St. Mary's St Maggie Keys myocardial Failure
Amos Brandley 304 N. Bethel St 304 N. Bethel St R. Esslinger 53 Mar 25 Rosie Hill 304 N. Bethel St Rosie Hill Interstitial nephritis
Willie Bailey Germantown md Germantown md S.W. Barber 54 Mar 10 Sadie Bailey Germantown md Saide Bailey carcenomia uterus
Rosie Williams 506 N. Gilmore St 506 N Gilmore St W.R. Boykin 58 Mar 30 Emma Barnes Breckenridge 506 N. Gilmore St Emma Barnes Breckenridge mitral Regurgitation
George Lane Marumsco md Princess Ann John R. Ruby 64 Mar 23 Maggie Lane Crisfield Md Maggie Lane Bright Disease
Albert Rousby 742 Pierce St. 742 Pierce St. J.H. Thompkins 63 Apr. 2 Wm E. Rousby 742 Pierce St. Wm E Rousby Uremia
James A. Stanford 1621 Argyle Ave 1621 Argyle Ave H.P. Hughes 34 Apr 4 Ida Stanford 1621 Argyle Ave Ida Stanford Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Laure Green 517 W. Lawnvale St. Balti. City Hospital Hooper Smith 60 May 18 Emaline Nichols Centreville Md Emaline Nichols myocardial Failure
Sam'l McGowans 210 Myrtle Ave. University Hospital Fisher 27 Apr 2 Laura McGowans 720 Penna Ave Laura McGowans mitral Regurgitation
Last edit 9 months ago by mbrockway
Spread 14

Spread 14

Year: 1927

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Lottie Pinder Cambridge, Md. Christ Rock, Cambridge, Md. Thos. Lynch 70 April 4 Thomas Pinder Cambridge, Md. Thomas Pinder Acute Nephritis
James Smith 1004 S. Eutaw St. Balto. City Hospital 42 April 6 Wm. Smith 606 S. Eutaw St. Wm. Smith
Sarah Dent 2811 Remington Ave. 2811 Remington Ave. A.G. Chessell 38 April 9 Chas. Dent 2811 Remington Ave. Chas. Dent Cancer of Uterus
Nathan Dye Gaithersburg, Md. Georgetown Hospt., Wash. D.C. P.N. Taylor 60 March 31 Mary Dye Gaithersburg, Md. Mary Dye Broncho Pneumonia
Eliza J Gaskins 1324 N. Stricker St. 1324 N. Stricker St. F.A. Saunders 46 April 11 Annie Daisel Rollins Lewis 1324 N. Stricker St. Annie Daisel Rollins Lewis Nephritis
Lizzie Jenkins 1324 N. Stricker St. 1324 N. Stricker St. F.A. Saunders 46 April 11 Daisy Lewis 1324 N. Stricker St. Daisy Lewis Nephritis
Clarence H Anderson 1307 Argyle Ave. 1307 Argyle Ave. E. Welch 37 April 11 Mamie Turner Anderson 1307 Argyle Ave. Mamie Turner Anderson Val. Dis. of Heart
Samuel Lewis 582 Presstman St. 582 Presstman St. Wm. Wright 67 April 6 Grace Lewis 582 Presstman St. Grace Lewis Chronic Nephritis
Zerita Duppins Bond 1018 Parrish Al. J. Hopkins Hospt. A.P. Black 15 mos. April 12 Edna Duppins Bond 1018 Parrish Al. Edna Duppins Bond Lobar Pneumonia
Annie Horsey 1705 Mosher St. 1705 Mosher St. H.S. McCord 32 April 12 Ella Robins 1705 Mosher St. Ella Robins Phthisis Pulmonalis
Wm. Buck Warrick, Md. Warrick, Md. J.D. Niles 36 March 12 Georgiana Buck Warrick, Md. Georgiana Buck Paralysis of Heart
Lavinia A. Cole 715 L. George St. Dr. White's Hospital H. White 41 April 11 Mary Diggs 172 Dolphin St. Mary Diggs Toxemia
Dorcas Gross 1107 Argyle St. 1107 Argyle St. J.A. Coasey 57 April 13 Eliza Butler Thomas 414 5th St., Eastport Eliza Butler Thomas Cerebral Hemorrhage
Mason Hardman 652 W. Barre St. 652 W. Barre St. J.A. Curke 45 April 14 Hattie Johnson Hardman 652 Barre St. Hattie Johnson Hardman Lobar Pneumonia
Marette Martin Charlotte Hall, Md. Charlotte Hall, Md. L.J. 70 April 9 Alice Hughes 728 Ajax St. Alice Hughes Appoplexy Heart Failure
Annie (Harden) Hardman 728 Hanover St. 728 Hanover St. J.G. Bewley 67 April 15 Irene Boardley 814 Hanover St. Irene Boardley Cerebral Hemorrhage
Annie (Harden) Hardman 728 Hanover St. 728 Hanover St. J.G. Bewley 67 April 15 Theresa Boadley 814 Hanover St. Theresa Boardley Cerebral Hemorrhage
Lewis Taylor St. Inigoes, Md. St. Inigoes, Md. R.J. Bean 60 April 8 Nettie Taylor St. Inigoes, Md. Nettie Taylor Broncho Pneumonia
Geneva Russell 745 W. Mulberry St. 745 W. Mulberry St. C.H. Fowler 30 April 14 Blanche Leanna Shreeting 745 W. Mulberry St. Blanche Leanna Shreeting Heart Failure
Alfred R. Glover 1734 McCulloh St. 1734 McCulloh St. H.S. McCard 35 April 18 Mary M. Carter 1142 Stockton St. Mary M. Carter Phthisis Pulmonalis
James Wilson 314 N. Calhoun St. U.S. Marine Hospt. W.W. Benton 65 April 16 Annie Cummings 314 N. Calhoun St. Annie Cummings Cerebral Hemorrhage
Elizabeth Thompson 221 N. Ann St. 221 N. Ann St. A.J. Young 61 April 17 Viola Mann 221 N. Ann St. Viola Nagruder Mann Uremia
Joseph Williams 228 Myrtle Ave. 228 Myrtle Ave. E.E. Mackenzie 45 April 16 Irene Williams 228 Myrtle Ave. Irene Williams Acute Ascending Paralysis
Jackson Henderson 109 N. Schroeder St. 109 N. Schroeder St. N. Norwood 46 April 18 Ernest White 933 Peach Alley, Wash. D.C. Ernest White Pul. Ordemia
Merrick Martin Charlotte Hall, Md. Charlotte Hall, Md. L.J. 75 April 9 Cornelious Martin Cornelious Martin Heart Exhaustion
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Displaying pages 11 - 15 of 298 in total