Mutual Benefit Society Death Register, October 1926 - June 1938



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Year: 1927

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
James Lewis 1404 E Lexington St University Hospital G. C. Blades 48 June 24 Rosie Lewis 1404 E Lexington St Rosie Lewis Crushed Abdomen
Virgie Tolson 809 Peach al 809 Peach al D Carvill 36 June 26 Mary J Brown 122 W Hughes Mary J Brown Acute Nephritis
Clarence Davis 543 W. Lanvale St Balto. City Hospt W.E. Gallens 33 June 23 Henry Davis 543 W. Lanvale St. Henry Davis Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Emma White 411 New St Balto. City Hospt W.B. Apcoel 58 June 27 Bernadine Rident 411 New St. Bernadine Rident carcemonia of breast
Viola Dorsey Near Daisy md Nr. Daisy Md J.S. Grabill 36 June 12 Eliza G. Smith Woodbine md. Eliza G. Smith acute dilitation
Veronica Stevens 713 D. Hill Ave Md. Tuberculosis Sanatorium J.E. O. Neil 18 June 26 Marion S. Lyles 713 D. Hill Ave Marion S. Lyles Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Annie Mason 2304 McCulloh St West Balto. Gen. Hospt. Benj. Miller 40 June 27 Matilda Mason 2304 McCulloh St Matilda Mason acute Parotitis
George Finney 834 Warner St 834 Warner St D. Franklin 53 June 29 Berdella Morton 834 Warner St Berdella Morton nephritis
Mary Jackson 226 W. Biddle St. 226 W. Biddle St F.E. Wagner 52 June 26 Alfred Booker 342 Dolphin St Alfred Booker chronic nephritis
Sylas Dean Cumberland Va Cumberland Va C. Weisgar 63 June 10 Mary Dean 1233 Jefferson St Mary Dean valvular Heart disease
Henson Brown Norbeck md Freedman's Hospital L. Jackson 50 June 13 Maria Brown R.F.D. Rockville md Maria Brown Secondary Hemorrhage
Alcinda Thomas Sandy Spring md Near Sandy Spring md. C.M. Iddings 50 May 29 Llewelyn Bishop Sandy Spring md Lleweyn Bishop oedema, Heart Exhaustion
John Parker 834 S. Eutaw St 834 S. Eutaw St. D. Franklin 47 July 4 Viola Howard 830 Eutaw St. Viola Howard Hepatic
James R. Gross 722 Hanover St 722 S. Hanover St. W.J. Jackson 55 July 4 Annie M. Gross 722 S. Hanover St Annie M. Gross Lobar Pneumonia
Frank Fitchett Bridgtown Va Bridgtown Va G.F. Floyd 61 June 21 Blanch Finney 782 W. Mulberry St Blanch Finney aortic valvular Heart trouble
John Washington 634 Eislen St. 634 Eislen St. D. Franklin Sr. 40 June 30 Charlotte Thompson 634 Eislen St Charlotte Thompson aneurysm
Helen Handy 35 S. Caroline St Provident Hospt. B. Harris 21 July 2 Lena Traynham 35 S Caroline St Lena Traynham Toxemia
Louis Conway 1522 Presstman St. Balto. City Hospital L.E. Madden 41 July 2 Marie Conway 1522 Presstman St Marie Conway Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Clara Turner 415 Moore St. 415 Moore St. S.A. Bain 65 July 5 Samuel Turner 415 Moore St Sam'l Turner Senile Pneumonia
Benjamin Ayers 638 W. Barre St 638 W. Barre St C.H. Fowler 68 June 30 Sophie Ayers J.H. [Tradin?] Undertaker Asthemia
Gladys Webb 1802 D. Hill Ave 1802 D. Hill Ave H.S. McCard 17 July 6 Dudley Fitchett 1802 D. Hill Ave Dudley Fitchett Phthisis Pulmonalis
Bertha Harris Williams 1026 Booth St 1026 Booth St Thos. B. Horton 40 July 6 James Williams 1026 Booth St James Williams acute Indigestion
Wm H. Thompson 1432 E. Madison St 1432 E. Madison St J.H. Potter 54 July 3 Gertrude Hill 1432 E. Madison St Gertrude Hill ulcer Hemorrhage
Octavia Washington 1115 W. Lexington St Balto. City Hospt. C.H. Boyd 75 July 7 Laura Brokenbough 1115 W. Lexington St Laura Brokenbough myocarditis
Octavia Washington 1115 W. Lexington St Balto. City Hospt. C.H. Boyd 75 July 7 Jas. A. Ball 1230 W. Lanvale St Jas. A. Ball myocarditis
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Spread 21

Spread 21

Year: 1927

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Martha Gland Chestertown Md Chestertown Md. H. P. Copeland 70 July 3 Peter Gland Chestertown Md Peter Gland Organic Heart trouble
Annie Radcliff 1427 E. Lombard St. 1427 E. Lombard St. B. Harris 40 July 10 John Radcliff 1427 E. Lombard St John Radcliff Cardiac dilatation
Howard Dawson 134 W. Hughes St 134 W. Hughes St. D. Carroll 48 July 9 Lizzie Queensberry 134 W. Hughes St Lizzie Queensberry Interstitial Nephritis
William Anderson Deals Island Md Deals Island Md E. P. Simpson 56 July 5 Monroe Milbourn Deals Island Md Monroe Milbourn Nephritis
James Cummings 1333 N. Stricker St. The Atlantic County Hospital for Tuberculosis disease W. J. Hudson 22 July 9 Rebecca Elizabeth Cummings 1333 N. Stricker St Rebecca Elizabeth Cummings Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Lloyd Cooper 1117 Brewer St. Henryton Sanitarium Chas. J. Keller 36 July 9 Sarah Wright 1117 Brewer St Sarah Wright Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Joshua White 838 S. Eutaw St Balto. City Hospt. C. Holmes Boyd 66 July 10 Sarah Gaines 316 N. Mount St Sarah Gaines Acute Myocarditis
Walter Taylor Meherrin Va Reading Hospital C. S. Freed 40 June 20 Evelyn Neal 19 Sayre St, Summit N.J. Evelyn Neal Acute Purulent appendicitis
Eliza Handy Gouldtown nr Centreville Gouldtown Centreville R.F.D. #3 Sam'l J. Price 56 June 24 William Handy Centreville Md William Handy Cerebral apoplexy
Addie Dorsey 2223 Madison Ave 2223 Madison Ave E. W. Frey 48 July 13 John N. Dorsey 2223 Madison Ave John N. Dorsey Chronic Interstitial Nephritis
Solomon Griffet New York City Sea View Hospital Frank Calabro 33 June 7 Laura Wright 1417 Brunt St Laura Wright Chronic Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Leven Curtis Chance Md. Chance Md. A. P. Simpson 74 July 7 Francis Curtis Chance Md Francis Curtis Chronic Nephritis
Margaret Brown 644 Smith St. 644 Smith St. W. J. Jackson 42 July 7 Annie Brown Queen 904 N. Carey St Annie Brown Queen Peritonitis
Mahaley Norris Alpha Md. Alpha Md. J. W. Hebb 96 July 13 May Parker 1617 Argyle Ave May Parker Arteriosclerosis
Harry Gilmore 419 N. Spring St 419 N. Spring St. G. W. Allen 47 July 17 Rosa Stewart 1314 D. Hill Ave Rosa Stewart Phthisis
Elwood Thompson 225 N. Schroeder St. Brown's Grove, A.A. Co. Md. L. A. 7 July 21 Elizabeth Thompson 225 N. Schroeder St. Elizabeth Thompson Accidental Drowning
Thelma Thompson 507 N. Carey St 507 N. Carey St. B. Thather 2 July 22 Walter Thompson 507 N. Carey St Walter Thompson Nephritis
James Blake Chestertown Md. Chestertown Md. D. W. Richmond 75 July 14 Eliza Redding Tilghman 108 Prospect St Eliza Redding Tilghman Cardiac Insufficiency
Catherine Harston Annapolis Md. Mt. Harmony D. A. Talbott 50 July 15 Ethel Dare Ethel Dare Uterine Fibroid
Charles H. King 1510 Penna Ave Highland Beach A. A. Co. L. M. Kupkins 47 July 17 Mabel King 1510 Penna Ave Mabel King Heart Disease
William Saxton 1434 E. Madison St 1434 E. Madison St. R. J. Young 50 July 24 Mattie Spaddy 1434 E. Madison St. Mattie Spaddy Myocarditis
Geneva Jennie Wise 642 Haw St. 642 Haw St. H. S. McCard 33 July 23 Arthur Graham 658 Haw St Arthur Graham Phthisis Pulmonalis
Henry H. Tripp 812 Pratt St. City Hospital G. C. Blades 37 July 20 Ella Tripp 1936 Brunt St Ella Tripp Mitral Stenosis Exhaustion
Florence Johnson 32 Kelley Ave. 32 Kelley Ave. J. J. Morrissey 47 July 22 Jennie Richardson 908 Argyle Ave Jennie Richardson Broncho Pneumonia
Nathan Mitchell 935 Rutland Ave 932 Rutland Ave W. B. Butler 64 July 23 Mary R. Johnson 1334 W. Lafayette Ave Mary R. Johnson Carcinoma of stomach, acute cardiac failure
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Year: 1927

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Harry Carter 221 N. Montford Ave. Balto. City Hospital L. E. Madden 47 July 26 Mabel Johnson 221 N. Montford Ave Mabel Johnson Syphilis
Artimus Powell 714 L. George St University Hospital C. E. Gill 65 July 24 Cora Burley 714 L. George St Cora Burley Peritonitis Appendicitis
Mattie Eugenia Segoins 1729 McCulloh St. John Hopkins Hospital C. E. Gardner 31 July 26 Rosa Innon Mrs. George H. Holland (undertaker) Lung abscess, Myomata Uterus
Ellen Watts Prospect Va Prospect Va J. T. Alsup 46 July 14 Will Ellis Prospect Va Will Ellis Myocarditis
Alverta Lee 1427 Myrtle Ave 1427 Myrtle Ave. John E. Camper 53 July 29 Pearl Brown 310 N. Carrollton Ave. Pearl Brown Myocarditis Nephritis
Benson Rawlings, Sr. 905 N. Stricker St Colonial Hospital J. Bialostosky 54 August 2 Sarah Rawlings 905 N. Stricker St. Sarah Rawlings Arteriosclerosis
Emma Blake 915 Rutland Ave 915 Rutland Ave. Sydney Wallenstein 61 July 29 Sarah Morgan Decoursey 915 Rutland Ave Sarah Morgan Decoursey Myocarditis
Annie Clay 514 Sullivan Ct. S. W. 514 Sullivan Ct. SW A. A. Phillip 16 June 12 Pearl Stewart 218 Myrtle Ave Pearl Stewart Asthenia
Rena Inmon 944 S. Eutaw St. 944 S. Eutaw St. D. Franklin 42 August 5 Foster Inmon 944 Eutaw St. Foster Inmon Endocarditis Nephritis
Clara Anderson 726 W. Fairmount Ave. 726 W. Fairmount Ave. G. C. Blades 14 August 5 Helen Anderson 726 W. Fairmount Helen Anderson Tuberculosis Exhaustion
Cyrus Griffin Lancaster Co. Va Millenbeck Va G. H. Stewart 54 August 5 Emma Ward 1710 Division St Emma Ward Auto intoxication
George Brent 1628 Westwood Ave John Hopkins Hospt. W. A. 49 August 7 Howard Brent 820 Harlem Ave Howard Brent Broncho Pneumonia
Wm. Robinson 222 N. Bruce St Balto. City Hospt. W. B. Aycock 37 August 6 Elizabeth Brown 21 N. Bruce St Elizabeth Brown Uretheral Stricture
Simon Livingston 229 Henrietta St. Balto. City Hospt. W. W. Chrisman 43 August 11 Mary Livingston 229 Henrietta St. Mary Livingston Chr. Myocardio, Chr. Nephritis
Fannie Francis Hawkins 508 N. Carrollton Ave. 508 N. Carrollton Ave Dan Franklin 50 August 8 Carrie Thomas 1014 Leadenhall St Carrie Thomas Chr. Nephritis, Arteriosclerosis
Charles Coates 111 W. Hill St. South Balto. Gen. Hospt. Wm. W. Chase 40 August 10 Rosa Washington Wallsville John H. Toadwin (undertaker) Cerebral Hemorrhage
Mary Williams 1314 N. Stricker St. 1314 N. Stricker St. Harry F. Brown 23 August 3 Nettie Williams 606 W. Biddle St Nettie Williams Mitral Regurgitation
Clarence Bedford 1006 E. Madison St. 1006 E. Madison St. R. J. Young 27 August 12 Matilda Bedford 1006 E. Madison St. Matilda Bedford Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Harry Ennis 1122 New Hampshire Ave. Wash. D.C. 2305 Bancroft Pl. N.W. Wash. D.C. J. Ramsey Nevitt 65 August 4 Minnie Garnett 2012 Division St. Minnie Garnett Myocarditis, Acute Cardiac Dilatation
Mahala Lewis 508 N. Central Ave 508 N. Central Ave W. B. Butler 60 August 15 Lottie Edwards 508 N. Central Ave Lottie Edwards Pulmonary Congestion, Myocarditis
Mary H. Nickey Fruitland Md. Fruitland Md. W. O. Davy 57 July 27 Elizabeth Doane Princess Anne Md Elizabeth Doane Cerebral Hemorrhage
Herbert Jones 537 Wilson St. John Hopkins Hospt. R. E. Wilson 11 mo. June 24 Annie Donald 921 Jordan St Annie Donald Petussis Pneumonia
Kate Marshall 1610 W. Lafayette Ave. Lexington Bldg. W. T. Riley 65 August 15 Mary Williams 1402 Franklin St Mary Williams Acute Cardiac Dilatation
Dennis Brown Germantown Md. Nr. Dawsonville Md. [Upton D.] 55 August 1 Maria Brown Germantown Md Maria Brown Myocardial degeneration
John T. Gilbert Jones Pindell Md. Pindell Md. R. Sarrar 59 August 12 Frances Griffin 823 N. Gilmore St. Frances Griffin Heart Disease
Last edit 9 months ago by mbrockway
Spread 23

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Year: 1927

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Isaac Galloway 1404 Cairo St. 1404 Cairo St Harry H. Brown 40 August 12 Laura Galloway 1404 Cario St Laura Galloway Interstitial nephritis
Ranson Burrell 909 Baker St Chester Pa. Taylor Hospital H. Pierce 63 August 10 Rachel Williams 756 Waesche St Rachel Williams nephritis, Uremia
Anna Wade 1337 N. Fremont St 1337 N. Fremont St. J.G. McRae 45 August 22 Fannie Mary Wade 1337 Fremont Ave Fannie Mary Wade Cerebral Hemorrhage
Daniel D. Johnson 633 N. Paca St. 633 N. Paca St J.T. Hennessy 52 August 22 Lillie M. Johnson 633 N. Pace St Lillie M Johnson Interstitial chr. nephritis
Hezekiah Graves 219 S. Fremont Ave. Balto. City Hospt. L.E. Madden 56 August 21 Amanda Graves 219 S. Fremont Ave Amanda Graves carcenomatosis primary testicle
Mattie Hudgins 108 Aisquith 108 N. Aisquith J. Edw. Fisher 43 August 21 Cornelius Hudgins 31 Patterson Ave. Petersburg, Va. Cornelius Hudgins Tuberculosis
Calvert Beckett Owings Mill Md. Maryland General Hospt. J. Thompkins 21 August 19 Mary Elizabeth Chapman 1834 D.H. Ave. Mary Elizabeth Chapman Appendicitis
Willie Gray 530 W. Conway 530 W. Conway G.C. Blades 8 mos August 9 Nellie Laurence 608 Smith Nellie Laurence acute Bronchitis
Jennie Bradford 1666 Kalorama R.D.N. W.D.C. 1666 Kalorama Rd. N.W., D.C. R.J. McNulty 36 July 16 Armstead Roy 1666 Kolorama Rd Armstead Roy Pulmonary Tuberculosis
John Turner 928 Bevans St. 928 Bevans St. C.H. Fowler 56 August 26 Louisa Taylor 915 Russell Louisa Taylor Heart failure
Mary E. Flemmings 4410 St. Geo. Ave John Hopkins Hospt. Thos. J. Holn 6 August 27 Ida B. Flemings 4410 St Geo Ave Ida B. Flemings abssess of thigh
Ukley Johnson Topping Va. Topping Va. V.E. Stiff 36 August 23 Fannie Johnson 1517 W. Fairwind Ave. Fannie Johnson past [schins?] of cardiac
Delia Johnson Walker Magothey, Md Pasadena, Md John Alexander 67 August 21 John H. Toadwin - John Toadwin mutatases of Liver
Martha E. Handy Mechanicsville, Md Mechanicsville, Md L. Jackson 69 August 26 James S. Handy Mechanicsville md James S. Handy Exhausion
Julia Brown 1104 E. Lexington 1104 E. Lexington Riley 54 July 29 Bettie Elliott 1725 Ashland Bettie Elliott Fract Skull
Clara Stanley 1228 Jefferson Balto. City Hospt. C. Holmes Boyd 46 August 31 Mary Lee 1228 Jefferson Mary Lee myocarchitis
Joseph T. Gough Beachville, Md Beachville, Md. A.C. Brown 52 August 26 Matilda Gough Beachville, Md. Matilda Gough Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Rebecca Slocum Jenkins 1637 Jefferson St. 1627 Jefferson St J. Edw. Fisher 64 September 2 Arronica Ross 1705 Orleans St Arronica Ross arteria sclerosis
Maud Hughes 2358 McCulloh St. 2358 McCulloh St. B.M. Rhetta 32 August 27 Aaron H. Hughes 2358 McCulloh St Aaron H. Hughes ac. nephritis
Charles Ensley Mt. Airey Md. Mt. Airey Md. E.P. Roaf 15 September 4 Grace Insley 1220 N. Gilmore St. Grace Insley Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Eliza Turner 1126 N. Calhoun St. 1126 N. Calhoun St. G.L. Hall 65 August 29 Florence Turner 720 N. Mount St Florence Turner Diabetis nephritis
William Jackson 2051 Keyser St. Balto. City Hospital C.H. Boyd 47 August 27 Sarah Lipson 2051 Ellewelyn Ave Sarah Lipson myocardial Failure
Jerry Banks 207 S. Spring St. Balto. City Hospitals. L.E. Madden 35 September 4 James Banks 207 S. Spring St. James Banks Lobar Pneumonia
Basil Aris 1826 McCulloh St. University Hospital G.A. Blades 23 September 1 Julia Rodgers Thos. Kelson (Undertaker) auto accident, Broken neck
James Brooks 1123 Elling St 1123 Elling St J.T. Hennessy 67 September 7 Carrie Brooks 1123 Elling St Carrie Brooks organic Heart disease
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Spread 24

Year: 1927

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Henry Bailey 524 N. Calhoun St. Henryton Hospt., 524 N. Calhoun St. John E. O'Neil 52 September 4 Annie Bailey 524 N. Calhoun St Annie Bailey Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Marian Strange 505 Bloom St. West Balto. Gen. Hospt. Paul Scheuher 37 September 7 Walter Strange U. S. Marine Hospt. Clarence Wright (undertaker) Intestinal Obstruction
Hattie Williams 1385 Woodyear St. Balto. City Hospt. 74 September 4 John A. Williams 1385 Woodyear St Thos. E. Kelson (undertaker) Lobar Pneumonia
Elizabeth Grant 1523 Barclay St Crownsville State Hospt. Robert Wenterode 46 August 20 Wm. Grant 1118 Brevard St Wm. Grant Cerebral Spinal Syphilis
Catherine Pitts 929 Leadenhall St 929 Leadenhall St D. Carroll 50 September 13 Frederick Pitts 929 Leadenhall St Frederick Pitts Acute Dilatation of Heart
Lavenia Hawkins 640 Sterling St. 640 Sterling St. G. W. Allen 58 September 10 Veronica Winn 640 Sterling St Veronica Winn Cerebral Apoplexy
Alice Dunston 633 N. Bond St 633 N. Bond St. Robt. J. Green 34 September 8 Bessie Lancaster 633 N. Bond St Edward; Bessie Dunston; Lancaster Cerebral Hemorrhage
Clarence Washington 542 St. Mary's St. 542 St. Mary's St J. T. Hennessey 35 August 30 Maud Hughes 2358 McCulloh St Sam'l T. Hemsley (undertaker) Pneumonia
George Ewell 643 Vine St. Mercy Hospital Riley 39 September 13 Fannie Taylor 643 Vine St Fannie Taylor Esophageal Varix
Mary M. Webb 2324 McCulloh St 2324 McCulloh St. J. Edw. Fisher 66 September 12 Walter T. Webb 1928 D. Hill Ave Walter T. Webb Angina Pectoris
Mary A. Brown 610 W. Montgomery St 610 W. Montgomery St. C. H. Fowler 70 (50) September 13 Bertha Bevans 610 W. Montgomery St Bertha Bevans Heart failure
Richard E. Woodward 113 Northwest St Annapolis Md. 113 Northwest St Annapolis Md. C. F. Maloney 34 September 7 Madeline Woodard 113 Northwest St Annapolis Md. Madeline Woodard Acute Rheumatic Fever; Acute Myocarditis
Blanche Brown 237 Myrtle Ave 237 Myrtle Ave F. Wagner 41 September 15 Robert Johnson 237 Myrtle Ave Robert Johnson Acute Nephritis
Joseph Lynn Olney Md. Olney Md. C. M. Iddings 60 September 2 Mary Lynn Olney Md. Mary Lynn Exhaustion from Anemia
Mary J. Thompson 1615 Swann St. N. W. Wash. D. C. 1615 Swann St. N. W. Wash. D. C. M. G. Lucas 58 August 23 Eliza Watts Laplata Md. Eliza Watts Renal Depunction
Mary Holden 756 W. Mulberry St 756 W. Mulberry J. A. Coasey 60 September 17 Sewell Holden 756 W. Mulberry St Sewell Holden Cerebral Hemmorhage
Emma L. Height 1905 D. Hill Ave. Monklin Md. R. W. Shermanton 48 September 10 Catherine Tucker 502 Gold St. Amelia F. Tucker (guardian) Acute Dilatation of heart
William Watson Chestertown Md Chestertown Md D. Wm. Richmond 47 September 8 Clara Watson 214 Maple Ave Chestertown Md. Clara Watson Cerebral Apoplexy
Isaac Jackson 1405 N. Bruce St. 1405 N. Bruce St. J. T. Hennessy 50 September 20 Gertrude Jackson 1405 N. Bruce St Gertrude Jackson Hemorrhage due to Tuberculosis
Viola Mercer 1035 S. Sharp St 1035 S. Sharp St Jas. A. Crooke 20 September 21 Emma Mercer 1035 Sharp St. Emma Mercer Cerebral Hemorrhage; clot in brain
Mary P. Conway 1704 Pierce St 1704 Pierce St. R. L. Jackson 58 September 20 Cornelius Ray 1708 Pierce St. Cornelius Ray Broncho Pneumonia
James A. Clash 1111 Wilmer Al. 1111 Wilmer Al. A. Lee Ellis 45 September 21 Cora Clash 1111 Wilmer Al. Cora Clash Tuberculosis
Alex. Scott 663 Pierce St. 663 Pierce St. W. Carr Sr. 57 September 18 Annie Cain (Kane) Scott 663 Pierce St Annie Cain (Kane) Scott Vascular Renal Disease
Edna Hayes 910 W. Fayette St 910 W. Fayette St Maxwell Hinds 33 September 20 Julius Davis 425 Fremont Ave Julius Davis Cardiac Failure
Ella M. Berry 1610 McCulloh St 1610 McCulloh St. Ths. J. Woolridge 45 September 20 Maggie Smith 1402 D. Hill Ave Maggie Smith Paralysis
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Displaying pages 21 - 25 of 298 in total