Mutual Benefit Society Death Register, October 1926 - June 1938



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year: 1938

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Annie Wainwright Tyaskin Md. Whitehaven Md. W. A. Fields 40 April 25 Ernest Wainwright Tyaskin Md Ernest Wainwright Nephritis
May Owens 528 Carey St 528 N. Carey St W. Atwell Jones 70 May 5 Delia N. Pope 528 N. Carey St Delia N. Pope Acute Nephritis
Amelia Wright Tillman S.C Tillman S.C J. A. Wirtz 50 April 20 Henry Wright 528 N. Gilmore St Henry Wright Coronary occlusion
Amelia Wright Tillman S.C Tillman S.C J.A Wirtz 50 April 20 Irene Hill 1406 W Laf. Ave Irene Hill Coronary occlusion
Dan Turner Elliot City Md. Elliot City Md. Don Kochmand 57 April 8 Aberta Brown 1309 Penna Ave. Aberta Brown Pneumonia Myocarditis
Bessie Smith 305 N. Carrollton St. Balto. City Hospt. W. A. De Sautelle 42 May 9 Evelyn Henson 305 N. Carrollton St. Evelyn Henson Acute Pericarditis
Alexander Green 337 N. Biddle St. Balto. City Hospt. W. A. De Sautelle 73 May 7 Marie Roberts 925 Mad. Ave. Marie Roberts Lobar Pneumonia
Louise Johnson Calvert St., Chestertown Chestertown, Md. Harry L. Dodd 68 May 6 Augusta Lockman Chestertown, Md. Augusta Lockman Cerebral Hemorrhage
Sadie Harris 711 Brune St. 711 Brune St. B. N. Hatcher 57 May 9 Thomas Harris 711 Brune St. Thomas Harris Cerebral Hemorrhage
Ashton Good Blackridge, Va. Blackridge, Va. N. N. Wilkinson 65 March 28 Clara Good 1445 W. Hamburg St. Clara Good Bright's Disease
Bessie Gross 748 Bradley St. Balto. City Hospital L. K. Woodward 49 May 10 Sarah Cress 743 Bradley St. Sarah Cress Carcinoma
William Doram 1420 Magellan Ave., Atlantic City 1420 Magellan Ave. J. H. Scott 42 May 9 Nannie Jefferson 1828 D. Hill Ave. Nannie Jefferson Lobar Pneumonia
Edward Davis 1109 N. Mount St. Good Shepherd Hospt E. W. Sherington 34 May 11 Morris Davis 1514 W. Franklin St. Morris Davis Mitral Regurgitation
Mamie Oxford 519 Brune St. Balto. City Hospt. L. K. Woodward 44 May 11 Allen Parker 519 Brune St. Allen Parker Carcinoma
Alfred Winkler Mcherrin, Va. Mcherrin, Va. W. B. Saylor 63 April 28 Laura Scott 1833 E. Biddle St. Laura Scott Pneumonia
Mamie J. Oxford 519 N. Brune St. Balto. City Hospt. L. K. Woodward 44 May 4 Caroll Parker 630 W. Lafayette Ave. Caroll Parker Carcinoma
J. Thomas Cullen Crisfield, Md. Crisfield, Md. 53 May 12 Ollie M. Cullen Crisfield, Md. Ollie M. Cullen Acute Dilitation of Heart
Emmond Hammond 817 N. Parish St. 817 N. Parish St. Harry 66 May 13 Florence Hammond Garrett 809 Ostent St. Florence Hammond Garrett Bronchitis
Mamie Green 1102 Lafayette Ave. John Hopkins Hospt. Edw. Matthews 47 May 15 Catherine Owens 1524 Argyle Ave. Catherine Owens Carcinoma Exhaustion
Josephine Fox 1204 W. Lexington St. 1204 W. Lexington St. G. Allen 53 May 15 Marey Bolden 1204 W. Lexington St. Marey Bolden Hemorrhage
Wilbert Boswell 1110 Penna Ave. 1110 Penna Ave. C. Ham 52 May 16 Boby Boswell 1424 Presstman St. Boby Boswell Cerebral Hemorrhage
Mary Belle Maddox 1227 N. Central Ave. 1227 N. Central Ave. Wm. L. Berry 51 May 13 Robert Maddox 1227 N. Central Ave. Robert Maddox Acute Myocarditis
Josephine Richardson 767 Vine St. 767 Vine St. W. F. Noville 44 May 13 Mamie Smith 767 Vine St. Mamie Smith
Mary E. Jones 692 4th St., N.E., Wash. D.C. 692 4th St., N.E., Wash. D.C. Ashley O. Thomas 45 April 25 Bessie M. Howard Edgemere, Md. Bessie M. Howard Acute Rheumatic Fever
Baldy Price Littleton, N. C. Littleton, N. C. E. H. Palmer 66 May 16 Essie Faulson 1414 W. Mosher St. Essie Faulson Cardiac Renal
Last edit about 7 hours ago by mbrockway
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year: 1938

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Clara Richardson 1734 E Madison St 1734 E Madison St G. Allen 42 May 18 Murray Richardson 1734 E. Mad. St Murray Richardson Acute pneumonia
Henry Payne 121 N. Mount St 121 N. Mount St H. P. Hughes 53 May 18 Bettie Payne 1020 N. Gay St Bettie Paye Renal Disease
Berkley Rice 1210 Laurens St 1210 Laurens St Geo. Allen 46 May 22 Annie Green 1210 Laurens St Annie Green Cerebral apoplexy
Ida Robinson Mayersville S. C. Mayersville S. C. J. H. White 66 May 6 Mary Bennett 1635 Calhorn St Mary Bennet Cardiac va
Wm. Parramore 2214 Hunter St St Joseph's Hospital G. Allen 50 May 19 Rosa Parramore 2214 Hunter St Rosa Parramore Coronary Thrombosis
Mildred E. Wiggs Hope Hill Md. Emergency " Md. B. Thomas 33 May 14 Arthur Wiggs Frederick Md Arthur Wiggs Septicemia
Mary Gibson Chestertown Md. Chestertown Md. Wm. Richmond 68 May 14 Maud Gibson 418 Calvert St Maud Gibson Gangrene of Feet
Sam'l Blakes Salisbury Md. Fourth St Salisbury Md A. D. Browne 52 May 21 Reese Winder Salisbury Md. Reese Winder Septicemia
Ethel Proctor Dickerson, Md. Emergency Hospital Chas. H. Conly 28 May 7 Agnes Posey Dickerson, Md. Agnes Posey Peritonitis
Sadie Hammond 1439 Penna Ave. 1439 Penna Ave. R. L. Jackson 42 May 23 Gus Hammond 1439 Penna Ave. Gus Hammond Chronic Vascular Heart Disease
Esther Johnson 559 Burgundy St. Balto. City Hospt. W. A. Cassidy 54 May 22 Samuel Washington 321 N. Calhoun St. Samuel Washington Tuberculosis of Lungs
Annie B. Hutton 118 Catherine St., Salisbury, Md. 118 Catherine St., Salisbury, Md. G. H. Sembly 55 May 19 Pauline Burbage (Welch) 208 1/2 Delaware St. Pauline Burbage (Welch) Gen'l Asthemia Exhaustion
Mabel Harrison 118 W. 22nd St. 118 W. 22nd St. C. Ham 12 May 23 Virginia Lee 2115 Oak St. Virginia Lee Probably Acute Bronchitis
Eugene Ferguson 148 W. Cross St. Balto. City Hospital W. A. De Lautelle 41 May 20 Paul Anderson 1123 E. Lex. St. Paul Anderson Hypertensive Heart Disease
Ebba Coleman East New Market, Md. East New Market, Md. G. Rogers Myers 65 May 17 Gertrude Rideout 1215 N. Caroline St. Gertrude Rideout Myocarditis
Sallie Jones 106 Rock St., Macon, Ga. 106 Rock St., Macon, Ga. J. B. Williams 58 May 19 Gussie Custis 106 Rock St., Macon, Ga. Gussie Custis Bronchitis Hypertension
Raphael Wallace 622 Saraham St. Balto. City Hospital W. A. De Lautelle 50 May 27 Leo Grayson 1931 McCulloh St. Leo Grayson Broncho Pneumonia
Addison D. Owens 528 N. Carey St. 528 N. Carey St. W. Atwell Jones 70 May 5 Christian Aid Asso. Delia N. Pope Acute Nephritis
Clarence Thomas 1105 Myrtle Ave. U. S. Marine Hospital J. B. H. Anderson 44 May 30 Harry Thomas 1105 Myrtle Ave. Harry Thomas Carcinoma
Isabella Jones 613 N. Lanvale St. 613 N. Lanvale St. J. Guy Bowley 60 May 23 Calista Moore 1106 Brewer St. Calista Moore Cerebral Hemorrhage
Freddie Kelly 1111 Bond St. Mercy Hospital S. B. Wolfe 31 May 25 Alice Kelly 136 S. Dallas Alice Kelly Coronary Thrombosis
Robert L. Hart Charles Burnett 928 N. Gilmore St. Charles Burnett
Gertrude Wheller (Wheeler) 1729 Penna Ave. 1729 Penna Ave. George E. Shannon 47 May 31 Frank Fraction 1729 Penna Ave. Frank Fraction Chronic Myocarditis
Annie Mills St. Michaels, Md. St. Michaels, Md. J. H. Hope 67 May 14 Martha Jackson Church Hill, Pa. Martha Jackson Cardiac Failure
Eliza Hawkins 822 Woodyear St. 822 Woodyear St. G. Allen 42 May 25 Hanson Wills 822 Woodyear St. Hanson Wills Acute Lobar Pneumonia
Last edit about 17 hours ago by mbrockway
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year: 1938

Name of Deceased: First and Middle Name of Deceased: Last Address of Deceased Place of Death Physicians Name: First and Middle Physicians Name: Last Age at Death (Year) Date of Death (Month) Date of Death (Day) Name of Beneficiary: First and Middle Name of Beneficiary: Last Address of Beneficiary To Whom Paid: First and Middle To Whom Paid: Last Cause of Death
Ida Hailstork 513 N. Carlton St. 513 N. Carlton St. W. F. Noelle 65 May 30 Charles Waters 513 N. Carlton St. Charles Waters Vascular Renal Disease
Lucille Straughn 1224 W. Laf. Ave. Provident Hospt. Jas. D. Carr 18 March 25 Azie Straughn Eram Hyacinth.Va. Azie Straughn Eram Endocarditis
Teresa Dennis 2444 D. Hill Ave. 2444 D. Hill Ave. M. D. Bandr. 64 June 2 Harris Dennis Annapolis, Md. Harris Dennis Intestinal Obstruction
Sam'l Knox 1301 Myrtle Ave. 1301 Myrtle Ave. Geo. Allen 65 May 26 Eva Thornton 2100 D. Hill Ave. Eva Thornton Hemorrhage
Preston Waters 105 N. Carrolton Ave. John Hopkins Hospt. H. F. Klinefelter 31 June 2 Martha Waters 105 N. Carrolton Ave. Martha Waters Carcinomia Exhaustion
Etta Lucas 49 Union St., Westminster, Md. Provident Hospital W. G. Spercher 55 May 30 Evelyn E. Frisby 49 Union St., Westminster, Md. Evelyn E. Frisby Myocardial Decompensation
William C. Nicholson 1816 Maryland Ave. 209 E. 20 1/2 St. Geo. Allen 66 June 1 Olga C. Nicholson Dorsey 1423 Myrtle Ave. Olga C. Nicholson Dorsey Acute cerebal apoplexy
Ernestine Anderson 1525 McCulloh St. Mercy Hospital S. E. Miller 18 May 29 Grady Anderson 1525 McCulloh St. Grady Anderson acute nephritis
Maggie Diggs 1818 McCulloh St. 1818 McCulloh St. B. N. Hatcher 64 June 4 Elva Diggs Mennis 2116 D. Hill Ave. Elva Diggs Mennis acute myocarditis
Frances Dennis 1029 Madison Ave. 1029 Madison Ave. Geo. Allen 64 June 3 Marguerite Butler 2419 Madison Ave. Marguerite Butler acute cerebal apoplexy
Maggie Hobbs Cambridge, Md. Cambridge, Md. John Moore Jr. 39 June 2 William Hollis Cambridge, Md. William Hollis acute gastro Enteritis
Alexander Humphries 2206 Penna Ave. Crownsville, Md. Crownsville, Md. 57 May 28 Cora Gail 705 School St. Cora Gail General paralysis of the insane
Mary Parker 1373 N. Calhoun St. 1373 N. Calhoun St. Wm. H. Fiplitt 57 June 5 Mable Davenport 1373 Calhoun St. Mable Davenport Cardiac Failure
Sarah H. Lewis 1112 N. Bond St. Johns Hopkins Hospital J. A. Luebecker Jr. 53 June 3 Arthur Lewis 1112 N. Bond St. Arthur Lewis Diabetes Mellitus
Phoebe Stevens New York City 265 W. 114th St., N.Y.C. Lenwood L. Holmes 72 May 30 John E. George 1011 Providence St. John E. George Hypertensive Heart Disease
Emily Turner 2328 Guilford Ave. 2328 Guilford Ave. W. H. Pearce 68 June 4 Emma Swanor 2328 Guilford Ave. Emma Swanor Cerebal Hemorrhage
Mary (Mae) N. Alexander 1213 N. Stricker St. Henryton, Md. Reuben Hoffman 23 May 30 Bettie Alexander 1213 N. Stricker St. Bettie Alexander Pulmonary T.B.
Dorothy Calloway 1714 E. Preston St. 1714 E. Preston St. A. C. Burwell 35 June 5 Robert Calloway 1714 E. Preston St. Robert Calloway Cerebal apoplexy
Thewdick Gentry 1809 Elchase St. Johns Hopkins Hospt. 12 June 8 Mattie Nelson 1809 Elchase St. Mattie Nelson Cerebral Hemorhage
Alice Day Turner's Station Turner's Station J. H. Thomas 56 May 29 Theodore R. Gray Turner's Station Theodore R. Gray carinoma of uterus
Maria Smith 1126 Etting St. 1126 Etting St. C. H. Fowler 56 June 9 Lydia Chase 1100 Argyle Ave. Lydia Chase Hemorrhage
James E. Williams 1560 N. Carey St. Balto. City Hospital Robert H. Thomson 66 June 9 Gertrude Bush 638 N. Gilmore St. Gertrude Bush cardio Vascular Disease
Anna Jordan 559 Girard St., Havre De Grace, Md. Havre De Grace, Md. C. F. Corran 71 June 8 Sarah J. Osborne Havre De Grace, Md. Sarah J. Osborne Chronic Myrearditis
Elenora G. Hemmings 1552 N. Carey St. Henryton, Md. R. Hoffman 19 June 9 Irene Morton 1552 N. Carey St. Irene Morton Pulmonary Tbc.
Lewis Scranton 315 Lewis St. 315 Lewis St. Geo. F. Allen 36 June 7 Mary Scranton 315 Lewis St. Mary Scranton Hemorrhage
Last edit about 17 hours ago by mbrockway
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