(seq. 9)




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Tuesday June 15 1796

a fishing. But there was not any, who went.
5 [.] A party of us took a boat and went as far as
the [?] but we had not a very good time.

6 [Illegible] of my friend Hopkins[?] attending illegible] by
himself. As the two last remaining apple, what
i had use of my own plentiful store.

7 Dreary morning in deplorable weather. Evening our
coffee club meet. The subject was whether [illegible] is
true [?] or poorly and is subject to the general determination[?]
to [illegible] [illegible].

Fryday Nothing worthy of remark. Weather weary[?].

Saturday This day the parts for [illegible] made their
9 appearance. And, [illegible] horrable[sic] to
relate, my name is on the fatal list.
My tongue is destined to ? to
a [illegible] audience the beauties of
? ?, and in essence there
with a bottle of the Grub [beer?].

9 February 1796
Tuesday On our way to the tree from which
9 we expect to get our nuts, it was ne-
cessary to [illegible] the long causeway, and by
that being covered with water much more
than half of its length, it was impossi-
ble to get over without weting[sic] ourselves.
Adams being an amateur I concluded
to take him upon my back and carry
him over; this [illegible]. On our [illegible]
at the place of our, viz, it
was [plantations[?] pasture, we found no
nuts of consequence. From there we
went in search of chestnuts into Col.
Wheelock's pastures, but with little suc-
cess. We returned the south side of N.
hill, and in our way killed a large black
snake. After to Canaan, home, we ate
some beek steaks, I, O'C Poll[?], having eat-
en nothing but a piece of bread and cheese
since our breakfast, which I obtained from
my aunts.

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