(seq. 11)




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Fyday 17 October 1788

Fryday Spent the night in complne[?]
17 [illegible]

Sat Toiled in elisium till after dinner.
20 Nothing

November 1, 1790
Thursday Left Medford and arrived at Cambridge.
1 Adams was with me. Albee came down
with us to take chaise back. Nothin of [any?]
significance happened on our journey. On my
arrival I found that the person, who had
my key was out of town and had left
no direction concerning it, of course then
I could not into my room at the
door, but was forced to enter it, theirf
like, at the window.

February Warden arrived, and he oepned my door.
2 Albee got into town and as is oft, from
November 1790
February Boston where he slept last night. Set off
2 for Medford nearly twelve. The whip was
left, Adams says, by me.
By Albee I sent a[sic] egg to Battle, of whom
I had borrowed it in June last. Unwell.
Evening Townson was in my room till
after [s/illegible/s] seven, which was disagreeable
as I wished to study.
3 This day commenced as student and studyed[sic]
as much as I ought.
In the afternoon, went to Boston in
order to purchase a blank book for a manu-
script, this I did of Mr Nanerede giving him
for it S 3 pen. I also purchased a penknife.
Wet weather. Half past ten. Evening -
By the way, to day I demolished a tumbler.
Sunday Tarried at home. After meeting in the afternoon
4 I was visited by Samuel Bolton, who remained
with us till prayer time. Thzoi [Greek word?] occupies to
(s/)much of (/s) many of my thoughts. This day studyed[sic]
very hard. After 11 o'clock

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line 2 in Greek?