(seq. 21)




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[Left hand of page]

20 December 1799

Fri[day] copied in night
Saturday 29 Nothing very extraordinary.
Sunday 30 Left Cam- for Bos tarried till Monday
Monday 31 Left Boston for [illegible text] and arrived
in town about four O'clock.
1 January 1799
So much of the vacation I have spent as
usual, doing nothing; but visiting. I have
been to one sleigh ride; we, [illegible text], [illegible text],
as myself, [illegible text] and [illegible text] to Natick,
where we safely arrived once [illegible text]
[illegible text] our [?] [illegible text] [illegible text] our [illegible text].
We [illegible text] the night at Newells [?] in Natick
[illegible text] next morning we sent off for home through
[illegible text] & [illegible text], an arrive at [illegible text] about
sunset. The [illegible text] cost us one dollar each.
This day [illegible text] [illegible text]; an the event
right [illegible text] at [illegible text] the even with him but

[Right hand of page]

1 January 1799

Friday the night, in [brachia mutiere quae est caressama mihi?]
Sat 19 Spent the day at Mr. T--s with [illegible text]
& [illegible text].
Sunday 20 Was at my at my old aunts. The night
I spent in my earthly heaven, in my [illegible text]
[illegible text].
Mon 21 [illegible text] not made from my centre till nearly
noon, then left the north in a snowstorm.
Nothing further
Tuesday 22 At home all Day reading history. [illegible text] at sundown [illegible text]
Wed 23 Read history till two O'clock. Went to Mr.
Pratts to get my boots mended in the after-
noon, also a part of the afternoon I spent at
home in company with [?].
The even I spent at at the house of my [illegible text]
brother in company with her and some people
from Midway. The night was spent in the
embraces [struck out text] [illegible text]

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