(seq. 23)
7 February 1799
Thursday 7
My father rode out as far as John Smith
Fryday 8
Again my father took the air in a sleigh
{Saturday} 9
Nothing of consequence
{Sunday} 10
My mother very ill, and in the even-
ing I went for the doctor on her account.
At 9 O"clock, evening, off for the north
and found my [?] in her, slept the
night in her arms
Monday 11
Left the North early. and Nothing of
consequence has since ocured.
March 1799
Arrived at Cambridge in company
with Little, Nothing of consequence
happened in our journey. The day was
two degrees colder than any one the
preceeding winter. [?] drove us.
Wednesday 7 6
Nothing very comical.
Settled all my bills, and ranged my books in or-
der acording to their number.
The state of my mind is uncommonly calm, considering the situation in
which I left my father and my own backward
situation, here in college studies. I feel a kind of independ
ence, which operates as an antidote to disappointed am
bition. I seem eager to study not from a hope of es-
tablising a character as a schooler scholar, but from a
sense of the importance of a right use of time. Wheth-
er I shall be able to support for any length of time this
way of thinking, I am uncertain, but I am sure that
I will try.
Went to the theatre in company with a large number
of scholars. The play was most excellent ([?] vows)
and the performance was very good.
Thursday 8
Nothing of consequence.
Fryday 9
Saturday 10
Spent the principal part of the day in [doing?]
nothing. principal occupation fishing; not
however in college walls, but on the [?],
for [?] not for orations.
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