(seq. 26)




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3 May 1799

chaise, who going throu[gh] Dedham with an in-
tention to take the stage, which he missed and one of
consequence was obliged to walk in the rain.
Adams came with me in the chaise.

4 In the morning, Albee not arriving from Boston.
I concluded that I would myself take the the chaise into
town and find him if possible. Sewell [Jewett?] upon
my invitation gave me his company. We met
Albee just at the head of the causeway, took
him in and we all rode together into Boston.
Entered my father's name for the [centinel? [sic]].

Sunday Nothing of consequence has occureed this
5 day. ------- The room is most remarkab-
le , vegetation [?] begins to start and win-
ter seems determined not to have us out at present.

Monday Went to Boston in the fore part of the
6 day to purchase books for several of my
several of classmates and for my self.
In the afternoon [down?] meeting to hear a refutation[?]
[?] [?].

7 May 1799

Tuesday This morning commenced [?].
7 Nothing very particular occurred that Sewell and myself
took a very long walk. The Militia company turned
out and made a very good appeareance.

Wednesday The senior class was [?], and had by
8 but one of the corporation to attend the
examination and had but a part of the
day. Jewett Bates and myself walked after
dinner to Jon's Hill and gathered some lost
[?]nuts, which we found &[?] by

9 A company of infantry and one of fresh-
ers from Boston passed through town
this day. In the beginning of the evening
a company of scholars collected on the com-
mon and began foot[?] moves, and among the
rest it was [?] to get out of the ground
once or have as past[?] as [?] [?].

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