(seq. 30)




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21 May 1799

who had a part of the [?] [dialogue?] was [?].

Wednesday 22
Nothing remarkable

Thursday 23
[?] to day. No news from [?]
which could I receive a letter, my [?] [would?] be
much [relieved?] these hard times.

Fryday 24
Gerauld [arrived?] from Medfield all well, but no letter
from [Theresa?] [much?] [?] [?].

Went to [fresh?] [?] for the purpose of [?]-
[?]. Was fortunate.

{Sunday} 26
Nothing of consequence.

{Monday} 27

{Tuesday} 28
Took my name out of the butlery and went

New 10 June 1799

Monday 10
Returned to {Cambridge} after passing about a
fortnight [?], which was the most unhappy period
of my life. [?] left my father.
On my arrival found that I was taken
[?] the ΦBK [?] but [?] to [write?]
[?] till the night before commencement.
Also [has?] a [?] at the [?] [?] [?]

{Tuesday} 11
Nothing of greater consequence than my [?]
and myself grieving of the subjects of our con-
[?], which were [?] of wealth
power and fame, I support [wealth?].

{Wednesday} 12
Went to Boston, saw the funeral proces
sion of govenor Sumner, who was buryed
under arms. The procession was conducted
with the greatest order and decorum. A ser-
mon was preached by [?] Thatcher. Then
[?] of people was [?].

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