(seq. 35)




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[?] 1799

At night returned home, having [remained?]
at the [?] and Mr Tesdale during the day.

[?] this day to This day and those
following [?] I have [?] Thursday

This day and those following it untill
Monday [?] [?] I have been im-
ployed in busyness of the estate.

Tuesday 10
Set off from the NE for Cam [which?]
9 O"clock in the morning called on our
old classmate Allen found him [?]
and idle [?] content on the [dear?] [?]-
[?] July; [?] walked with me on my
way to C[ambridge] and as we [?] [?] [?]
[?] by good fortune July was
having from a neighboring house to [?]
hatters and by that means I had the hap-
pyness of [?] her; [?] her not [?].

[?] 1799

On my way [?] [?] [Adams?]
who is keeping school at Needham, he in
[?] me to dine with him. I did. Came
on to Cambridge just before praying. Supped
at Porters in company with Holbrook
[Turett?] in Watson. I meet at Evening:
[Bean?] [Abrams?]

{Wednesday} 11
Nothing of consequence. [?] evening went to
the play in company with Holbrook
Ros & [?]; the play, "[?]" was excellent
the performance [?], & with [divided?] his
supper with me, he also stops with me.

Thurs 12
Went to Boston, ([?] in the morning I [?]
brought me a load of wood also my clothes,) in
the afternoon [?] with [Battle?] & [Mason?]
put a letter and the first office for [?].
Evening coffee club met at my room
was [?] by [?] a member [of?] [Pace?]
[?] club, who was very drunk.

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