(seq. 36)




Status: Complete

June 1799

Friday 13. Nothing material

Saturday 14. Nothing of consequence, in my room all day.

Sunday 15. Went to meeting, heard parson Ripley of Concord, who is an infernal long winded fellow who exhausted my patience by the length of his sermon. Mrs. _______ voice and Judge Lang's _____________ my attention.

Monday 16. This day for the first time during eight weeks past ____________. Just at evening ______________. Much d________ during prayer this evening,
________ prayed a sufficent (?) reason for noise.

Tuesday 17. ________ passed without anything worthy of remark (?)

Wednesday 18. ____ to yesterday. Even wrote a long letter to ____________.

Thursday 19. Attended court consequently did not study. _______ __________ on crying assault on buttery and fornication.

Friday 20. Went to Boston in hope of finding a letter from _________, but was disappointed, carried a letter for Sarah Smith also one for

[page break]

for __________.

Saturday 21.

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