(seq. 38)




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[?] 1799

Wed 25
Read a letter from Garland; the fellow is well
but [does?] not tell me what he is doing.

Thurs 26
Went Boston [?] [?] gerauld and [tryed?]
to persuade the old gentleman to go home
through Cambridge and take me along with
him to Medfield, but I failed in the attempt
he thinking it would make him late home.
[Sailed?] with [N?] paying him all
his demands. Left through carelessness
at N-s store a walking stick, which
I borrowed of Buckminster.

Fry 27
Went to Boston in the stage, and carried
my clothes and books for home.
Evening the coffee club met at Watsons

Sat 28
Half after nine left Cam for Med;
dined on my way at Mr [F?]
the gentleman where [I?] Mr Adams [?]

[?] 1799

Sat 28
Arrived at home about four O'clock PM, [found?]
all things much as I left them. Very lit
tle alteration in my father. [?] it is
however for the better.

Sun 29
After breakfast went into the woods, from
there went over the river. Returned [?]
[and?] my small clothes, which I had made out
to have very badly, set off in search of hap-
pines toward the north, succeeded very well.

Mon 30
Morning rainy turned at the north till after

Tuesday 31
[?] to settle with Mr [Seth?] [Cha?ck?], but
found a difficulty, which I do not know
I shall get over [?] a note good against
him if [prayed?] upon, and nothing as yet to
[?] it but barely his work. [?]
of the [?] []
In the evening in the shool house
[?] free, and [?],

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