(seq. 39)




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1 January 1800

Wednes 1
Went to Natick for the purpos of collecting a
small debt due orignally to my grandfather
from the indian docter [Brun?]. Found that I
shall get it by & by. Spent the evening at
M Bullers [?] in company with the {Esquire}
[Ebezar?] Smith [?] and Mr Buller.

[?] 2
Our [anything?] woman Hannah Pratt about
12 at noon was seered with the cramp in her
stomach; at first not very violent but after
a short time it became so violent that
it was with the greatest difficulty that
I could [hand?] during her [?]. Then
grew easyer in about 3 hours after having
[?] [medical?] [influence?].

Particulars of Washingtons death
On fryday 13 December 1799 the day previous
to that of his death he rode out to one of
his plantations and was much wet by a

Jan. 1800
W Thurs 2
rain on his return - He was taken by a
crap, violent inflamation in the [?], [?]
night; but from humanity to his [servants?]
and kindess to his physician he, very un
declined sending to [Alexandra?] for
the latter until day light on saturday
Before [?] [?], his physician, arrived at
Mount Vernon, the General had been bled by
one of his [?]. The Doctor repeted the same in
[?]; to whome the General observed, he had
sent for him "[?] [?]"; he seemd to have a
presentiment of his dessolution. {Sirs} [?] &
Brown of [Mesandry?] also attended.
As his respiration became difficult he,
calmly, said "[Doctor?] I die hard". But not-
withstanding the [?] agonies of his vi-
lent disease he tranquilly asked several questions
during the evening. About fifteen minutes before
he died, which was between 11 and 12 O'clock
on sta saturday night the 14 of {December} 1799, he
to Doctor [Crack?], what is the clock

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