(seq. 40)
2 {January} 1799 1800
Thurs 2
"Doctor what is the clock," "How long am I to continue
in this situation". The doctor answered, "Not long, [sir?]"
[?] then rejoined with the firmest countenance
imaginable, "I have no fear, Doctor, to die". His
breathing soon grew shorter. He closed his mouth
and eeyes with his own hands, and [expired?] with-
out a sigh or [?]. Afterwards taking
a formal [?] of any [?]. From the Colum-
bian Centinal.
Fry 3
[?] [?] at Boston I was [employed?],
takign care of the cattle
Sat 4
[Was?] spent taking care of the cattle and in help
ing {Captain} [B?] [?] [?] inventory of
fathers estate.
Sund 5
After dinner [?] and myself set of for [?]
widow for the purpose of [delivering?] the [?]-
[?] of cutting off the wood. [?] [away?] I made
great use of my [skirts?]. On return I [such?]
made an [essay?] at [skirting?] and succeeded to
admiration, not even [making?] an attempt
Jan 1800
Sun 5
to fall. [It?] little above [?] [?]
put on my skirts and proceeded up the
[?] & at [?] [S?] & B in quest of money
good words words in its place. From [there?]
directed my [?] down the [?] toward the
north & keeping [?] [?] as much as was
[practacable?]. [And?] in part in [something?] [?] than
[?] hour after [?] [?]. Found [?] [?]
Mon 6
Came from the [south?] on the ice. Spent
the afternoon at Thomas Adams
Tues 7
Went to [Dedham?] on [?] [?]
[?] [?] [them?]. On return [stoped?]
at Mr Tesdales [?] [?] [?] then
of course we did not want for [much?].
We 8
Went to Walpole, [took?] 5 [bushell?] of corn
left a [tough?] letter for [Belhings?]. Settled
with old Mr [Kingsburg?] but the [old?] [man?]
was rather doubtful [?] [?] we had
[?] night, and dry rot [?] [?]
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