(seq. 42)




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1800 January

Wed 22
[?] busyness at {Captain} [Baders?] with [Bradford?]
Bought his cattle.

Thurday 23
Nothing of Went to Walpole in order to
[?] a note of [?] against one [Gratium?]
[?] it was [?] was about to give
his creditors the slip. Was successful getting
[?] James Marms note as [?]. I was
Dined with Ebenezar [Clap?]. Spent the
evening wt Mr Townsend quite agreeably.

Fry 24
Nothing worth mentioning. At evening [?]
Regent & the [?] school. The [?]
[?], but the house very uncomfortable
by reason of the smoke proceeding from a
large number of [?]. After leaving
the the school we called at [Mr?] [S?] Townsend
[?] a while drank a glass of wine and pro
ceded to the north end. Very reluctantly left
the N H at 12 O" for home. At our [?]
[?] [?] within the [?] of [?] and supper.
found that our maid Hannah had been knock
ing her toes against a tub and in consequence was

1800 January

Sat 25
Early in the morning a snow storm with
a prospect of [?]. Fed the cattle and set
off in the chaise with [?] [?] to [?]
Miller, found it [?] [chasing?]. Luck
[?] [?] the [{Doctor}?] at a neighborns house. The past
was righted though on examination noth
ing was found out of the way it being noth
ing but a violent [sprain?]. On our return
the chaise went rather hard. I [?] at
[?] from Boston [5?] O" PM; storm [?] Ver-
ry much.

Days unimportant

Thurs 30
At Franklin attended the funeral ceremony
in honor of Washington. had a good sermon from
Mr [Channons?]. After dinner got a little
warm and was [chuked?] {Captain} Plimpton a little
harshly. In my opinion, both of us in the wrong.
Resolved never againt to be in a fashion.

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