(seq. 43)
31 January 1800
Fry 31
At noon wt off for Wrentham on foot
in order to see Bean on urgent busyness as
I was informed by Foster. On my arrival
at Wrentham found that what Fo- has said
in regard to Bean was fiction and that it was
a plan of his own invention to get me to
Wrentham. Spent the evening at [?] [Had
dy?] very agreeably. Bean [intend?] coming to
[Moferts?] on the morrow agreed with him that
[would?] if [?] settle his Medway matter.
Sat 1 February.
By the persuasion of Thays and Foster
I [?] at [?] [Madam's?] the night.
Feb 1 Sat
At six O"clock AM left Doc M-s in a most
violent snow storm. Slept at Samuel Holbrook
and took a glass of [cyder?] and an egg [?]
at home in one house and [?] [?] from
the [time?] that I left Wren-
Sun 2
Nothing on consequence [save?] my [going?] to [med?]
[?] which was rather [?]
Feb 1800
Mon 3
Went to Medway on Beans affair and
had no [?]. Went to Walpole on my
own affairs and had no success
Tues 4
Storm like the [?] {Captain} [?] [?] cooking
over [?] in the afternoon. What the hell
I shall do for money I do not know.
Wed 5
Very fortunate in being able to borrow money
sufficient to go to Cam-. Even as the
north [?] Tesdale was [?] with whom
Mr Robbins had been the night before and
of course she was very sleepy.
Thurs 6
[?] at the north end the greater part
of the day Mr Ellis and wife [there?]. In the
evening went went to {Esquire} [Darrys?] in
order to acknowledge [and?] power of attorney
given by [me?] to {Captain} Baxter did my bu-
syness [there?] and [?] to [Koren?] spent the
evening with [Townsend?] Robbey and girls of
[?] [?].
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