(seq. 44)




Status: Complete

[upside down on preceding page]

Saturday 12 179[9?]

Got far, as the hills, before one arrives at the [musony's?]
in Needham. D arrivd at Cambridge just at the
dusk of the evening. Nothing very remarkable lately.

[next page]

Feb 1800

Fry 7 Left Medford for Cambridge at [?] at
noon; came up with my [team?] in Roxbury;
stoped at [Trasper's?] tavern and helped drink a
mug of [?] D_ Yarmouth & S Wheelock [?].
Called on Pilsbury at his lodgings Roxbury street.
Lif my hors at Mrs Hows tavern. Arrivd at
Cambridge 7 o clock, [nised?] at Mrs Mores.
Sat 8 At ten AM set off for Boston for the [pur
pose?] of geting my trunk brought up and of
[hearing?] the Hon. Fr Amos's eulogy on the
elustrious Washing; the place of performance
[offten] whur was delivered a [most?] [?]-
[cellar?] discourses & a very crowded audience. Walk
ed from B____; [rised?] at Potter in company
with Saltinnal of whom I am very
fond. Spent the evening packing away my
clothes [&?] wroght a letter [to?] [Glerice Dlor?]
one of Caps" Brastow---------------------------------

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