(seq. 45)




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February 1800

Sun 9
A very violent snow storm which held till near
ly four on the clock [AM?]. Went to meeting
without boots through the snow, which I found
so inconvenient that I am determined not
withstanding present want of [cash?] to obtain
a pair as soon, as it is possible. -
Rather low spirited; I cannot forget that
it is sunday evening, and am forced to re-
alise that I am not at [Medfield?] and of
course am deprived of that happiness, which
each returning sunday was [sure?] to afford.

Monday 10
Nothing remarkable all things as usual

Tuesday 11
Again went to Boston for the purpose of seeing
a masonic procession and of hearing a
masonic eulogy in honor and to the mem
mory of Washington; The eulogy was spoken
by Tim" Bigelow {Esquire} it was [sound?] but not
very [striking?]; the prosession was very impressive
it [consisted?] of about 8 hundred Masons who proceed
ed the urn, which was supported by four [bearers?]

March 1800

Sat X
[?] the ship. As I concludd that I should be oblig-
ed to walk home I thought that I had better tarry till
evening when the path would be better [thus?] it was
at the time when my [horse?] left me. Being also in
company with Adams and Catherine I was very agree-
ably entertained, till obout about 8'O"clock I set off
for home, and very fortunately found my horse at
Wheelock's shed.

Sun 2
Went to see Henry [Blimpton?] [concerning?] [buying?] his
cows; visit my sistr; at [?], at {Captain} [Basetrs?]; might
with Rezia.

Mon 3
Spent th day with Adams. Evening at the north
end the night at home. Rode so blocked up that I conclude
it will not do to go to Cam [?] day

Tusday 4
Left Med for Cambri in company with Adams
8'O"clock PM found it [bad?] [?] after we got us
fur, as the lower [?] house Roxbury". Left Adams
at [Boston?] [?] came alone to Cam-. Found [bare?]
ground almost all the way from B-t C. [Dined?] at
Porters; returned to Boston [?] my [trunk?],
which was an unpardonable act of forgetfulness. Sa
[Said?] in Boston an [offer?] of the Boston [?]
who give me a favorable account of Samuel [gerauld?].
Came up in [?] [stage?]. [?] go to bed early.

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