(seq. 48)




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March 1800

{Friday} 28

Went to Boston in company with Sandford, [found?]
no letter and did no busyness [sic]. Determined to re-
turn through Brooklyne for the purpose of
cutting cions; Found the place of our destination
much further than I [expect?], we after much
fatigue however arrived at the end of our journey
the house of a Mr. Childs, where Sand- had been
it the winter [past?], who was in [?] country -
[?], and treated in with true [rustic?] politeness.
Cut the cions I worked for and proceeded homeward.
[Stoped?] at Allen's [Dry?], even [?] school; found
the school opened, Sandford joined the [singers?], which
I [said?] much [walking?] the girls. In the course of
the evening Pierce and Brown came in, the
[voice?] of the former and the skill of the latter on
the bass [?] had a most excellent effect on
the [music?]. Concluded as the walking was very
y [had?] to [tarry?] with Brown the night, Sanford
went home with Allen, his lodgings are at the
house of a Mr. Heath, a man of [?], his wife a
[?] [agreeable?] woman.


March 1800

{Saturday} 29 Returned to Cambridge in the morning, on the whole
much pleased with my excursion.
A little past noon, [heard?] that Everett of Fram-
ingham was dead and that he had [sent?] requested before he
died that I would attend his funeral. I immediately
made [application?] to take my name out of the
[?] [?] with some difficulty however at
length [?]. Set off for [Medfield?] at 2 O" P.M.,
took drank tea with J. [?] at his lodging in
Needham, Mr. [Franklin?], [?] at Mrs. [Harding?] at
7 O'clock, was, however, [considerably?] lost in crossing
the pastures about Mr. [Sye's?]. Found Kezia well.

{Sunday} 30 [?] at home toward [night?] found all things as
usual, [my?] father much as I had left him. [?]
[?] [?] [?] house, [had] some busyness with him.

{Monday} 31 Left Medfield for Framingham about 9 O"clock,
found the [road?] extremely bad, addressed [?] [Mr?] [Everetts?]
at half past 11 {O'clcock}. [?] was in the house with
[?] [grief?]. [?] [?] [?] seemed much affected.
The [affected?] wife of the deceased was [?]
my feelings were more [agitated?] for her than

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