(seq. 50)




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April 1800

Wed 9
Bean took his name out of the [buttey?] and went
home, [wrote?] by him to [Daniel?] and to Kezia.
got through Ferguson. [Gerry?] the [?]
is [?] 1100 and add [majorly?] [?] [voler?]

Thursday 10
Fry 11
Sat 12
Day that I would be very glad to [consider?] a [?]

Mon 13, 14
Nothing of consequence.

Tus 14
Exhibition. [In?] the morning I [?] with
in the preparations, which he made to re-
ceive company. At eleven O"clock the perform-
ances began, and in general were [extremly?] good.
[In?] my opinion Welles excelled all. [?] [quin?]-
[lity?] of ladies present. At three o'clock PM left
Cam for Med on foot, no [?] arriving
to take me home. At 20 minutes past
I arrived at the north end found Kezia well, and
was happy.

Wes 16
On my way home called at [?] [Boston?]

April 1800

Wed 16
and found that Bean and Daniel were at Cam
after [?] then they went through Boston
which was the reason the [missed?] me. At home
all as usual.

Thurs 17
Sitted with [{general}?] Everett very much in
his debt.

Fryday 18
Went to Walpole in company with
[Doc?] [gerauld?] no money. no money. no money.

Sat 19
Nothing of importents

Sun 20
Went to [?] in the afternoon, from thense
went over the river called on aunt Sarah
and Betty proceded to Oliver Ware on account
busyness found him not at home; [but?] left
word for him to call on me on the morrow

Mon 21
Went with Ware to May Bullards in order to acquaint
him that we had [choun?] him [Maidman?] to a
rule of court before which we had agreed to [?]-
[mill?] all our matters. Found the him at home, but
did not do our busyness, that is [?] not get [?] [?]
written because we had not [?] accounts which
ought to be [?].

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