(seq. 51)




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April 1800 ----
- - - -

Mon 29 Appointed our men [vry ?] Dr. Buchanenon @ Mr Latts
for [inttery?].
- --------

Tuesday Left with [Saphie?] Set out five poplar trees
of lilac trees in the [same place?].
Was to by Capt Bach & distrust Mr
Lithbridge, [?] was on the object, with
some dgree of willingness be applied & have
Capt Sharpton.

Tuesday 22 Went to Cam after the [water theres?] been
and Watertown. Provoke with the [lawless?] in
a tavern at the [?] because the charge was
too much for our egg. [Selemere?] never [eat?]
or drank my thing in his house & I can con-
veniently [water?] or I am found [?]
was draw nothing else out of the way. Could
not get into my room found my trees most

Tus 22. dry. Got home a little after dark; [?]
ly brought [?] in my pocket from Cam-
luttes key which I had borrowed for the purpose
of opening my room
Thursday 24 Got home from the [of?] about ten. Went
afternoon at our 120 willows on the didth
bank at the Tobin [?] I average we
Evening went to Cape Boston with
Isaiah and a grad with him on what
[?phlia] the [?] looks a part of the

Fry 25 [?] Noon prased in company with
wt out by I handles ad myself in commemoration of the [?] were found drawn
at the top ad were [scrapted?].
Afternoon went to Da Richardson's hs was
not at home, talked much with his wife
on harnesses. Like his daughter considerably.

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