(seq. 52)
April 1800
Sat 26
Went to Roxbury in the morning; from
there to Wrentham did my busyness
and returned to Med- about [5?] O'clock,
found that Ware had been at our house
and that he [could?] not obtain his man to
sit on the [refferences?] he [worked?] [into?]
to adjourn, agreed to it and went to Med.
Returned through [Sherburn?] to the NH.
Sun 72
In the morning rained violently, toward
night [?] [?], but Kezia being sick
with the [headach?] concluded to carry with
her till monday.
Mon [?]
Walked from the NH to [Dover?]
on quest of cows found two at [?],
Return home and with Cam [?] went
April 1800
back again to [Dover?] and bought the cows.
Tus 29
[Imployed?] in [?] money or rather in search
in money. Went to Walpole [?[ 12 [?]
of Charles. [Supt?] with Kezia
Wed 30
Bean at [Medford?] rained [?] did not [sit?]
of for [?] [?] at [{Captain}?] [?]
Thurs 1 May
Returned to Cambridge.
Fry 2
Early in the morning went to Boston, after money
for Bean and found it exceedingly difficult to ob-
tain any, although found a man, a [?] [Rook?],
who would [?] money at 3 [pounds?] per month but
get it till the morrow. Slept at Clarks tavern
after getting to my chamber read the Arabian
Knights [entertainment?] for an [houre?].
Sat 3
Breakfasted on three raw eggs and and two glasses
of wine. Obtained the money I [worked?] for and
arrived at Cambridge about 10 eight O"clock.
Rather dull have the headache.
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