(seq. 53)




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4 May 1800

Sund 4
Nothing of consequence. - After supper Rogers Weed
and myself walked out toward [Merotoring?], passing
a small [ford?] in the which the frogs or some
other animal keeps up a continuous [prapery?], we
continued to [examining?] what it was that [?]
the noise and [observed?] a great number of very small
frogs which we suppose [?] it. We caught
one of the [?] and [broughd?] it [?] to college and
[secured?] in a tumbler in order to [?] it
[mor?] throroughly.

Mond 5
Town meeting, for choosing representative for the gen-
eral court, [?] [beket?] [pervaild?]; Nothing
further of consequence.

Tus 6
May Cambridge five minutes after seven
Men are subject to [?], had company much
of the time this day, a part after I was on the com
mon [viewing?] two companies of [militia?] one from
Boston the other belonged to [this?] town.
Just at evening went to Boston in company
with Swett; [?] [Found?] at Battles store a [letter?]

May 1800

from my Kezia. [?] Martelle the french-
man at [Bushes?] tavern [?] the common.

Wed 7

[Recited?] to mr Martelle the [first?] lesson in
french. Nothing except it, [?] very rainy.

Thurs 8
Fry 9
Sat 10
Imployed in preparing for examination
Most damnable [?].

Sun 11
Thus in [?] presence of him who makes
backs, I [?], that I will study as constantly
as and steady as I think I ought t do till
after examination.

Mond 12
Reviewing as rather or rather reading what the class
went ever during my absence from college.
[Clap?] called on me from on mr [?] matter.
On the whole been most damnably [?] with
Company. - By the by, forbidden by the govern-
ment to attend Mr Martel in the french, which
is a very great disappointment to me.

Tuesday 13
Imployed as yesterday

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