(seq. 54)
May 1800
Wed 14
At nine in the morn went into the philo-
sophy chamber to pass a review before the board of
overseers and corporation. Appeared as well as the rest
though very ignorent of the branches of [science?] in
which I was examined. Suped at Porter
with a number of my class.
Thursday 15
Nothing except a very [great?] drowsyness in
fact almost dead
Fry 16
Nothing of any consequence. Sent a letter to [K?]
Sat 17
In the forenoon went to Boston, sent by [jhonson?]
[Manon?], a letter {Captain} [Barter?] in which I enclosed [?]
Two O'clock PM parts came out. English
oration Bates 1st Buckminister 2d. Latin oration
Watson. Poems [Miston?] 1st Knapp 2d. [Forennik?]
Rogers & [Petsbury?] 1st Boutelle & Suett 2d. Confer-
rences [?], green, Lowell, & [?] 1st Wells, Tu-
dor and [gray?] d [Sawyer?] Kimball [Putnam?] and
[Perham?]. Hebrew oration [?]. Greek
May 1800
Sat 17
dialogue [Hobbrook?], Shaw, and Flint. Bean has
no [path?], which if we [considered?] the government
honests men might well be deemed a phenome-
non, but as their character is known it is easyly
known accounted for by - . As for myself, my
absence for four fifths of the time during the last
year and an half together with my refusing or rather
neglecting to perform a part assigned in my [junior?]
year may be the cause why I am left out of
the list.
Sun 18
Nothing of consequence
Monday 19
[Set?] to yesterday
Tuesday 20
Went home. Left Cam at one O"clock
arived at Medfield before night. [?] my [course?]
through Brooklyne and Roxburo .. and Dedham
Stoped at Newel's store and payd him 2 £ for
[?] had of him [last?] winter.
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