(seq. 55)




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May 1800

Tus 20
Stoped at Mr Tisdales and drank tea. Found
my father not quite so will as I left three weeks
past. Went to the north end found Kezia well.

Wed 21
Doc. gerauld visited my father; [day?] unimpor-
tant on the whole. Evening and night [?] the northend.

Thurs 22
Left the N at half past six arrived at C
half past ten on foot [?] in round numbers

Fry 23
Nothing worth mentioning

Sat 24
Cambridge No 26 N entry Hollis.
A Constitution of Mann
In every society where any regular form of gov-
ernment is established, as constitution is absolutly nece
sary, as a foundation of law and good order, and wherever there
is not a constitution, or where it is soo weak as not
to be regarded, anarky and confusion are the [?] &
natural consequences. As a constitution is of the first
consequence to a state, so to an individual some firsts
principles whereby he may direct his [?] are abso
lutely necessary. Convinced of this truth I have drawn

May 1800

Sat 24
up and [?] the following [instrument?].

Art 1st

I will by my conduct express my belief in a
God, on Whome I am absolutly dependent. Virtue shall
be my polar star, and justice the [?] which shall di-
rect my course in the [?] [?] of this [most?] [subtime?] [?] of man.

Art 2d

In my conduct toward my fellow creatures, I will
be just, I will be humane, I will be benevolent. In
fire, I will do unto every one, as I would have him do
unto me.

Art 3d

Ambition under the controle of reason, shall never
be driven from my mind; I will cherish with all the [?]
and [?] of my soule, but will never suffer it to act to
the prejudice of others. No bounds will I set to my fame,
to my welth, or to my power, but I will use every [honest?]
mean I am capable to increase each of them.

Article 4th

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