(seq. 60)
August 1800
Tus 5
Early in the morning set off for Dedham
with a desire of taking out a little of ad-
ministration on on my father's estate. I
[?] agreeable to my wish. - Con
versed long with Richardson on his
commencement [poem?] oration, but
round of him his ΦΒΚ poem. -
Went to Roseburg for money was
successful, payed Pilsburg. [?]
a very bad headache, which I suppose
was caused by want of food as I fool
ishly ate nothing from the time
I left home till I returned.
Wed 6
Samuel as our house in the afternoon. Evening rode
out with Kezia through the pine woods by Mr Ellises.
Senior [Fisher?] sayeth that there was some frost last
Thurs 7
Morning with [?] at [Doc?] gerauld's, Sam not [?].
Afternoon on aunt Sarah's busyness.
1800 August
Thurs 14
Fry 15
Welles, Newman and Adams [dined?]
with me. Spent the afternoon very
agreeably in the company of the above
named gentlemen
Sat 16
[Fodes?] and Pratt at Medfield in the
afternoon. With them at {Captain} Baxters.
Sun 17
Brought Kezia home
Mon 18
Tues 19
Nothing conseqt
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