(seq. 62)
An Acrostic to Mass
Blind each attractive [charm?] of form and face,
Each winning air each fascinating graces
[Your?] dignity with melting softness [?],
Sweet sensibility of soul [refind?];
[?] wit with penetration [?]
[Yet?] still you [?] to paint the beauteous fair
Belov'd of Heaven the youth whose raptur'd breast,
Of charms like thine possessing and possess'd;
Love points the way to Hymen's fragrant [bowers?]
Kindles the torch and strews the path with [flowers?]
Congenial minds alone such bliss can know
One are their joys and mutual in their woe,
More cannot be enjoy'd in realms below.
On the Death of a Child
Ah lovely flower how short has been thy bloom,
Untimely frost has nipp'd the opening [?]
Thus in the morn of life snatch'd to the tombs
Thy beauties hid beneath the clay cold sod
Thy infant mind its opening charms display'd,
The dawn gave promise of a beauteous day;
But morning dawn soon turns to evening shade
And all our glitt'ring prospects fade away.
Thus while thy parents feel the blow severe,
Their fondest hopes thus blasted e'er they bloom;
While o'er they grave they drop the sorrowing tear
And mourn their infants melancholy doom;
Yet them them not repine at Heavens decree,
But bow sumissive to the inflicted rod;
From sin and misery now their child is free,
And happy with its heavenly Father God.
To the Reverend [?] E- on his
with Miss N E-n
By another hand
Great source of social joy my prayer attend.
The heartfelt language of a faithful friend
May the blest pair in holy wedlock join'd
Thy care and all protecting presence find.
O guide them safe through life's entang'ling maze,
With richest mercies crown their future days;
May heaven born Piety their joys [?]
And heighten earthly pleasures with [?].
May each exalted each refin`d sublime delight,
Their ardent love and gratitude excite;
To that blest source from whence their pleasures flow
Nor rest [contest?] with happiness below.
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