(seq. 63)
Patterns of Piety and heavenly love,
Together may they seek the things above;
And while confin'd on earth may they aspire,
To gain with seraphs in their heavenly choir
May circling years their happiness increase
And when at long their days on earth must cease
Blest be their passage and [?] their way
To the bright mansions of eternal day.
A Paraphrase in the foregoing line
Great source of joy my prayer attend,
The heartfelt language of a friend;
May this blest pair in wedlock fetter'd,
Find their condition greatly better'd.
O guide them through life's maze entang'ling,
Keep them from quarrelling and wrangling;
May piety their [?] adorning,
Render them happy every morning.
May every pleasure they delight in,
To heaven their ardent love exciting;
A Reflection
Soon shall this troubling heart forget to beat,
And ever silent, in my bosom lie;
This breast no more retain its gental heat,
Nor thrill with joy, nor heave with misery's sigh.
These eyes that oft with sparkling pleasure well,
Shall [ope?] no more to hail the rising day;
These lips that speak the language of the soul,
In silence seal'd no more my thoughts [convey?]
These limits that now with animation prove,
Their wanted elasticity [resign'd?];
These ears no longer hear the voice of love
Nor to the plaint of wretchedness [inclined?].
Where once in life my breath I lightly drew,
When few succeeding years have roll'd away;
The more [?] [store?] alone shall bring to view,
The name of one long moulder'd in to the day,
O may these awful thoughts my soul alarm,
That e'er grim death my footsteps shall arrest;
I may prepare the tyrant to disarm,
And soon on high to be forever blest.
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