(seq. 1)



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Extracts from a Treatise on Lying in
Women & their Management & c &
By Charles White 3d Edition in 1785.

Puerperal Fever

Causes: during Pregnancy, tightness of stays and petticoat
bindings, weight of ye Pockets &. press ye enlargd Uterus & c
against ye lower intestines, prevents their Evacuation
hence ye thinner parts are absorbed by the Lacteals causing
Constipatio Aloi -- further increasd by a sedentary Life & bad
Diet -- hence an inclination to putridity & Loss of appe-
tite follows. Alimentary Canal no longer distended {from} food
ye Bile collects & stagnates, acquiring a putrid acrimony
Labour hot Chamber -- foul phlogisheated Air, heating
Liquors given her -- long confind to a horozontal posture
ye warmth keeping ye Parietes of ye Abdomen lax -- faeces not
protruded. lochia stagnating -- too early delivery of the shoulders
{inflammation} Uteri & --

Symptoms She is seizd with a rigor a few days after Delivery
returning at incertain periods -- at other times yr is no rigor
it creeps on gradually, {beginning} {from} putrid sweats, vomiting of porra-
ceous matter or diarrhaea of putrid matter -- constant tenesmus
tumour pain, & soreness of Abdomen {general} pains from dyspnoea
Tongue 1st white & moist or else dry hard & brown -- Nausea
Pulse in ye increase always grows quick, small & creeping -- {from}
anxiety [?] {from} praecordia & {great} debility -- Lochia sometimes not
diminishd, or but little, {what} flows is foetid, or it is wholly suppressd
Breast grows flaccid & ye milk is lost -- Petechiae appear
involuntary excretions convulsions & death -- Dissection shews
a gangrene of ye viscera -- effused serum & other marks of {Inflammation}

Miliary Fever

From ye observations of various Authors these inferences may be drawn
[?] This Eruption is often an attendant on contagious fevers &
never appears without a preceding sweat -- 2d Time of eruption
not certain -- it is not Critical 3d Cooling method not prejudicial
if it removes ye cause of ye disease -- 4 Puerpenal not liable to it from
any other cause {than} inclination to putridity -- or relaxd skin --
5 The Cuticular secretions renderd -- acrid by lodging & exposure to air
soon become putrid.

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I've found it useful to compare the manuscript alongside the text from which Phelps drew these extracts: https://www.google.com/books/edition/A_Treatise_on_the_Management_of_Pregnant/RtZhAAAAcAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=0