(seq. 3)




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Prevention of Puerperal Fevers &c.

After {Delivery} apply clean linen - let the patient sleep &
move ye child & Visitors into another room - a large chamber
is necessary - {which} should have a northern aspect in summer
{with} blinds outside - small fire in Winter - patient should not
be disturbd at night - in a few hours - {when} ye patient has had
some rest - she should sit up & apply ye child to her breast
milk or not - & {repeat} 4 or 5 times {per} die - but it is not necessary
to feed ye child at night - patient should lie {with} her head &c high
sit up {when} she eats or suckles - & when she minges do it on her hands
& hand knees - Upright posture prevents stagnation of Lochia,
Faeces & promotes {contraction} of Uterus & Abdomen
Much caudle & thick gruel [?] clog ye stomach and pall ye Appetite
All liquors should be taken cold - never eat meat but once
{per} die - If she dont suckle - she must be very abstemious
Acescent food dont alway affect ye child - ye green stools may rather
be from ye weak digestion - Air of ye chamber should be temperate
Perspiration rather depends on dryness {than} heat of ye air - for it is
greater in frosty {than} in open moist weather - ventilate ye chamber
daily - never wash it - let ye carpets be daily aird - let her get
up ye 1st day if she can - never lie beyond ye 3d - then apply clean
aird linen to ye bed - procure a Stool each day by Enema or Lax-
ative -- don't purge on ye 1st days as it promotes absorption, ex-
cept it has already taken place - {when} it prevent ye depostion of acrid
matter on ye omentum &c - Lochia sometimes stop on the 1st day
{when} obstructed not to be forced down - {When} ye discharge is great if from
irrtations & spasms causd by acrimony - Opiates &c. Cort[?] is given
without lessening the Lochia or Catamenia - Astringents - horizon-
tal posture - cold to ye abdomen & cold water injected in Utero
Water in an Ox bladder applied to ye abdomen - & give Nitre - let ye
breast be drawn 4 or 5 times {per} die - rendering ye breasts conical assists
If ye Mammae are hard & knotty rub {with} soft oil 3d {per} die or apply Goutards
Vegeto-{Mineral} Water - to prevent fissure Bees Wax Rings should be
applied circ[?] Papillas - Fissures are heald by a Mucilage of G Arabic
et Decoct cooling seeds - Vinegar sprinkled over ye room refreshing but
not so antiseptic as imagind - it renders ye air moist - Explosions of G powder
more effectual & in putrid Cases Fermenting liquors should be set in ye room

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