(seq. 4)



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Cure of the Puerperal Fever

At the beginning of the rigor if she be really colder {than} in health
warm things should be applied to ye feet & ye extremities gently
rubd {with} tepido manu to prevent stagnation in Ye capillaries
In ye hot fit reduce ye heat to ye natural standard & ye sweat
{will} come on the sooner & perhaps terminate Ye disorder - "There is a
certain degree of heat necessary to produce sweating in all persons
{which} varies {with} ye constitution & circumstances - a heat above ye [?] or
less hinders ye Evacuation" Alexander - cold should not be applied
during ye sweat - If she has ye usual symptoms as described viz.
Nausea pain &c. give an Emit either of Ipecac or Antimonie {preparation}
{which} should be {repeated} 2 {times} {per} die or P. A. N. for ye Saliva & Alimentary juice
contain little fixed air hence {they} absorb putrid miasmata - But if there
pain in bowels - Cathartios or Emetics increase it - Enemas often
After these Evacuations. Saline draught & [?] [mindorisi?] - If ye Nausea
continues give [?] Columbo jeu Extract [?] or a few spoonfuls of the
infusion 4 times {per} die - if ye bowels are not open add to each dose
Vitriolated [Tartar?] [?] - If {great} irritation ([?] deliris) opiates {with} Ipecac &
If cough & dyspnea puke {with} few {grains} of Ipecac - Pains in thorax Seneka
[?] 3 {times} per die - If ye diarrhaea [smites?] ye patient support {with} Wine & Nutri-
tives - astringent draughts - starch & opiate Enema's, or Ipecac in small
doses - In ye decline C[?] and Pyrmont Water {with} {elixir} Vitriolic - Vegeta
acids preferable to ye {Mineral} - If ye D is at 1st inflammatory it [sometimes?]
turns putrid - Now give her clean Linen every day - wash her hands
face & teeth in cold water {when} not in a sweat - Set up in & get out
of bed evry day - Nitre is improper in all disease where putrid bile
abounds - bleeding never necessary except in {inflammation} of the Uterus
In ye last stage - C[?] Wine. Volat Alcali et [?] ad abdomen
& throw antiseptic injections into ye Uterus - to wash out ye putrid
fomes &c.

Miliary Fever

Cure Give an Emet [statem?] (not in ye paroxysm) no acid with it
they prevent its operation - {repeat} omni die. Enema's - cold air &
upright posture - horizontal posture bad - Epithastic, diuretics
Volatile Alcali & Emmonagogues bad - Camphor says de Haen
causes strangury spasms &c. - It [?] Cantharid et oe terebinth
produces strangury {per} Heberden - But it may be given with acids
or Nitre - (it sometimes cures Ulcers of ye legs) - If opiates are necessary give {them}
{with} Ipecac - If very weak - give Wine or Brandy &c - Ipecac {Emetic} -
If Diarrhea [?] Astringents & avoid teflacea - contrayerva or Cordial - C[?] by ye mouth
or in clysters [?] acid and Lineti Boracis - Must[?] . oe [cinnamon?] for hiccups - Cold aquar stimulants

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