Trustees Records, Vol. 7, 1886 (page 172)




Status: Complete


Water Pipes Appropriation Voted
, the President asked for an appropria-
tion of $3,000 for water pipes etc. for the Eastern part of
the Cemetery.

Voted, that the sum of Three Thousand dollars,
($3,000) be appropriated for that purpose.

Lot #2941 Petition of Executors of Will of *N. P. Coburn.
A petition 356 was presented from James A. Woolson
and others, Executors of the Will of Nathan P. Coburn,
deceased, formerly owner of Lot No. 2941, which was re-
conveyed by him to the Corporation in trust, represent-
ing that after making such reconveyance, the deceased
had married and left his widow surviving him, and that
she desired to be interred in said Lot, in which there was
sufficient room for the purpose, after providing for the
interment of all persons designated in said reconvey-
ance as entitled ot burial therein, and praying that
the Board would permit such interment to be made.

Voted, that the assent of the Board be given to
the making of such interment

Lot #4188 Petition of Trustees under will of Anne Patterson
A petition 357 was presented from J. Theodore Heard
and another, Trustees under the will of Anne Patterson,
deceased, formerly owner of Lot No. 4188, asking that the
contract made by them for the perpetual care of said
Lot be so amended as to more distinctly provide for
the renewal, when necessary, of the Monument and
Headstones upon the Lot.

Voted, that the Secretary be authorized and instructed
to so alter the said contract and the record thereof

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