p. 145




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into a proper vessel & pour the Pickle over so as to
cover it completely. It should be boiled every 2 or
3 months, & about 2 oz. of sugar & 1 lb of salt
added & well skimmed. This Pickle is in=
=comparable {"incomparable" underscored} for Beef-Tongues or Hams. {"Hams" underscored} When
taken out, they should be well dried, cleaned
& floured - put in [rice?] paper bags & hung in a dry warm place. -
[Mrs.?] Hughes - The Pottages

Sponge Cake
1 lb of sugar sifted - 3/4 lb Flour well dried - the
grated peel of a Lemon - 7 eggs, leaving out 2 whites
Boil the sugar in a quarter of a pint of water - pour
it boiling over the eggs - stirring it well - whisk
them quickly 20 minutes. Stir in the Flour, but
do not beat it after the Flour is in. Two or three
Bitter Almonds grated would be an improvement.
Bake in a slow oven [??] [Mrs.?] Clegg.

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