



Status: Complete
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[rubric: Flema]

¶ Flematici son [corr: "son" inserted] moli freddi e gravi
Pensanti e longi in ogni lor affare
Di grosso ingegno quando tu li cavi
De lor mestiero habendo altro a cercare
Temon uergogna e son benigni e savii
E temperati ne lor consigliare
Sum pieni e grassi e lor destemperantia
Cottidiana febra con nominantia

[rubric: Malinconia.]

¶ Malanconia e de tute pegiore
Palidi e magri som sença letitia
Color che habundano in cotal humore
Disposti a tute l'arte de avaritia
Ed a multi penseri sempre hano il core
Som solitarii e di puoca amicitia
Quartane son le febre malanconice
Che piu che tute l'altre son cronice.

[rubric: De l'anima]

¶ Se l'anima vora segnoreçare
Vincera tute queste passione
Ma se se lassa al corpo sugiogare
Fia sotto posta a questa inclinatione
Quand'ella al corpo se lassa guidare
E seguita sue basse conditione
Perde l'alteça e 'l ben del'intelecto
Et -e- per suo e non d'altrui difecto

Notes and Questions

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I think there's a conversation to be had about whether ç ought to also be transformed into 'g' -- I didn't have many of these in my sections but clearly replacing it with a 'z' is not applicable, but keeping it seems very very odd.


I have the same on 71r, where "lenguaçi" should rather be "lenguagi"? I guess it is the same with your "segnoreçiare", that may be "segnoregiare"


z (ç) instead of g is quite common in old italian, es. loza, lozza instead of loggia, cor(r)eça instead of correggia. So "segnorezare" (without i) and "lenguazi" are fine.


Dear deb,
Thank you for your help! You may have gathered that this is part of a larger project here: https://lasferachallenge.wordpress.com/, and we’d love to chat to you about joining Équipe France so your contributions can be recognised. I’m one of the Co-Leads of French team project, drop me a line at am2539@cam.ac.uk!


Line 10: "con" is "ha" in the printed edition, which makes more sense as this manuscript is lacking a verb.


ben de l'intellecto/Dante Inf.