



Status: Page Status Indexed

Feb 2/82 From Clerk Adopted
From Treasurer, Referred to finance comtee
From Street Commissioner, adopted
From Fire Warden Adopted
Committees Reports Rec'd
From finance recommending that the Tresurer be
instructed to proceed forthwith to collect all taxes on tax
rolls for Pine & 9th and Stewart, 10th & Virginia Streets side-
walks. Adopted
From Health & Police on the matter of T J Small Police-
man. reporting that said T J Small at the time of his
appointment as such Policeman was not eligible to
such office. Adopted & office declared vacant.
From Streets recommending the establishment of the
grade within the districet bounded by Pine, 7th, Mill &
Broadway Streets. Adopted
From Streets reporting that the cribbing fronting the
Colman & Denny Blocks on [Front Street]] is in a dangerous
Ordered that the Street Committee be & they are hereby
instructed to take some inmmediate measures so as to
prevent the said cribbing from giving way.
Ordered that the surveyor be & he is hereby instructed
to submit plans, specifications & Estimates for a stone
wall to front said blocks in place of said cribbing.
from Gas Lights recommending the erection of
gas lamps corners if 3rd & Marion & 4th & Marion Streets
From Committee on Jail Building recommending
the acceptance of the Engine House in South 3rd Street
Laid over until next meeting
From Finance approving the Surveyors report of work
done on 2d, 3rd, & intersecting Streets grades. Adopted
Claims Paid
The following Claims having been duly audited by the
Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds

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