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in a/c of Front Street sidewalk are laid on the table
And now His Honor the Mayor H G Struve returns
and proceeds to act as Mayor in Place of Councilman
John Collins.
New Business
And now the Plans & Specification for Cherry Street
Sidewalk under Ordinance 354 are presented & after
due examination the same are approved & Ordered filed.
And now the Plans & Specfications for Columbia Street
sidewalk under Ordinance No 354 are presented & after
due examination the same are approved & ordered filed
And now His Honor the Mayor announced that
from and after Monday February 5, 1883 he will be
absent from the City for a time. Whereupon the Council
proceeds to elect an Acting Mayor to serve during
such absence. Whereupon John Collins is
elected to the position of acting Mayor to serve during
such absence.
Ordered that a sidewalk to be constructed on both sides
of Marion Street from the west side of the alley between Front and Second
to the east side of 3rd streets & also on the south side of said Marion Street from the
east side of 3rd to the West side of the alley between 3rd & 4th Streets
in favor of said order
Collins, Cosper, Clancy, Gasch, McDonald, Manning. Against
said Order none.
Ordered that the rate of assessment inorder to provide funds
to pay for the sidewalk constructed on Union Street Under
Ordinance No 324 be & is hereby fixed inthe sum of 19 mills.
on the dollar.
Ordered that the rate of assessment on order to provide funds
to pay for the sidewalk constructed on Washington Street under
Ordinance No 236 be & is hereby fixed in to sum of 4&7/10 mills
on the dollar
Ordinances Rec'd

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