



Status: Page Status Indexed

Feb 2/83
The City Attorney submits an Ordinance entitled "To provide for the
levying and collecting of a special tax for the purpose of raising
funds to pay for the grading and Improvement of Front Street
under Ordinance No 284" After due consideration said
Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of
adoption Collins, Cosper, Clancy, Gasch, McDonald & Manning
Against Adoption none.
The City Attorney submits an Ordinance entitled " To provide
for the levying and collecting of a special tax for the purpose
of raising funds to pay for the construction of a sidewalk on
Front Street under Ordinance No 304" After due consid-
eration said ordinance is adopted upon the following
vote to wit: In favor of adoption Collins, Cosper, Clancy,Gasch,
McDonald & Manning. Against adoption none.
The City Attorney submits an Ordinance entitled "To provide
for the construction of a sidewalk on the South side of Battery
from the alley between Front and West Streets to the alley
between West and Water Streets. After due consideration
said ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit:
In favor of adoption Collins, Cosper, Clancy, GaschMcDon-
& Manning. Against adoption none.
The City attorney submits a Ordinance entitled "For
the Grading of a part of Columbia Street and for the
construction of a sidewalk on said street" Laid over
until next regular meeting.
An ordinance is submitted entitled "To amend Section
2 of Ordinance No 204" Laid over indefinately
An Ordinance is submitted entitled "A special Ordinance
appropriating money to pay Audited Bills" Adopted
upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Collins, Cosper, Clancy, Gasch, McDonald & Manning.
Against adoption none.
The City Attorney submits an Ordinance entitled "To
provide for the construction of a sidewalk on Marion
" After due consideration said Ordinance is adop-
ted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption.

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