Aug 24/83
consideration of the same is adopted upon the following vote, to wit: In
favor of adoption, Clancy, Day, Harris, McDonald, Ranke & Wusthoff.
Against adoption none.
The attorney submits on Ordinance entitles "To provide for the
grading and improvement of a portion of Jackson Street" thereupon
after due consideration the same is adopted upon the following vote,
to wit: In favor of adoption, Clancy, Day, Harris, McDonald, Ranke
& Wusthoff. Againstadoption none.
Council man Day submits an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinace
to amend Ordinance No296 entitled In relation to Auctioneers, Haw-
kers and Peddlers approved September 5th 1882", thereupon the same
is laid over for special consideration the first Friday in September
Aoolications fo Licenses.
Ordered that licenses be issued as follows to wit:
G Burien for a grocery license for 3 months from Aug 22,1883
G Burien for a pigeon hole table for 3 months from Aug 22,1883
G Burien for 1 pool table for 3 months from Aug 22,1883
Frank Lessman for a grocery license for 3 months from Sept 2,1883
L V Schnyder for Retail Liquor for 3 months from Aug 26,1883
Ordered that the Attorney be & he is hereby insturcted to prepare a
Contract to be entered intoby the Seattle Gas Light Co for the fur-
nishing of Gas for the ensuing year at $5.00 per lamp per month
The motion to instruct the atty to dismiss the case pending before the City Justice &
against Williamson & Kellogg is lost.
The Street Comtee make their report recommending the granting of the
petition of Williamson & Kellogg for the right to occupy a portion of
Spring Street. Adopted.
Ordered that the Attorney be & he is hereby insturcted to submit an
Ordinance to provide for the Imporvement of Front Street Cribbing according
to Plans & Specifications heretofore submitted by the surveyor &
now on file.
and now the citizen Comtee on the Villard reception appears to ask
the council to support a Comtee of their Body to be a part of the Executive
[?][?] reception.
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