p. 65




Status: Complete

I branched off for Grahamstown, the others
going on to Bloemfontein. We passed thru an
interesting but unpromising country and
wondered how a good town could be sus-
tained in such a place. Suddenly we made
a turn which revealed a beautiful valley
highly cultivated and in the center lay
the town. We were conducted to the home of Judge
Graham of the Supreme Court. In about 15
minutes after our arrival some thirty women
gathered for tea but had the good grace not
to linger long. Two gentlemen dined with us,
one Judge Samson of the Supreme Court. The
conversation was therefore enlightening. It
was a pleasant change to be in a private
home and the family were delightful. I break-
fasted in bed and when ready took a drive
about town and at 11 am had morning tea
with Mrs. Whitecooper, where some forty ladies were
present and I made a little speech. We called
at the Anglican school for girls and passed the
buildings of other schools of which there are
some six or eight rather important ones.
That evening I spoke in the town hall to a large

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