



Status: Complete

[image-university crest]

And, further, the Board expressed its grateful
appreciation of the Assembly's continued sympathetic
interest in the University, and cordial desire for its
increased efficiency and usefulness. It firmly expected
that the provision made for the Theological Faculty would
materially assist in preserving the historic bond between
the Presbyterian Church and Queen's. It assured the
Assembly of its sincere desire and hope that the deep
attachment of the University to the Church would not be
weakened but rather confirmed by the change to which
the Church had given her sanction.

It was decided to apply for legislation at the current
session of Parliament, and the secretary was instructed
to arrange with Mr. Andrew Haydon of Ottawa, to give the
necessary notices and look after the legislation. Steps
were at once taken to draft two separate Acts of Incorporation,
one for Queen's University and the other for Queen's Theological
College, in affiliation with the University, and replacing
the former Theological Faculty. The following Committee
was appointed to see to the preparation of the Bills and
employ all needed expert legal assistance: Chancellor Fleming,
Chairman of the Board, Hon Justice Maclennan, Principal
Gordon, Dr. Herridge, Rev. W.J. Clarke, Geo. F. Henderson,
Col. Logic, D.B. Maclennan, H.C., Dr Shortt, D.M. McIntyre, H.C.,
and Geo. Y. Chown.

The Committee applied itself with all assiduity to

[image-moroccan oil lamp]

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