



Status: Complete

[image: College coat of arms with ribbon: SPIENTIA ET DOCTRINA STABILITIAS]


For the future it was enacted that no one going overseas should
be entitled to University pay except by special arrangement with
the Finance and Estates Committee. And those members, who
while on military duty, renounced the University half-salary,
received for their generous spirit words of grateful
appreciation from the Board.

In these troublous years, in Canada, as in all parts of
the Empire, walter and confusion all around, in spite
of what the bravest and wisest men could do, University
rule was no sincere. All felt the strain. Yet, were
there also happenings to cheer and hearten us. Already the
Chancellor's handsome provision for the new Library -
$150,000.00 was paid inv. Next from the same
generous hand came $10,000.00 towrds the Women's
Residence, and then $1,000.00 towards the deficit in
Revenue. Needless to say how gratefully those tokens of
favor were received.

The Alumnae Association never allowed the Women's
Residence to drop otu of sight, or out of mind, ad in
due time they would have their reward. Theirs was
an examplary blend of faith and work. Residences
elsewhere were studied, and various plans discussed.
The houses rented for residence, if but a makeshift,
showed how desirable a roomy, well-equipped University
Residence must be.

For some years past, it was felt that the Council and

[image: morrocan lamp]

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