


Status: Needs Review


Thomas S.P. Miller M. D.
271 west 134 St. N. Y. Co.

[column 1]
The address of Mr. Syphax is 988 Blake Avenue,
Brooklyn, N. Y.

Negro Support of Wilson

To the Editor The World:

Among the hopeful signs that Wood-
row Wilson will be elected President is
that colored men generally of indepen-
dent thought and action are supporting
him. They seem to admire the truthful
assertion that Virginia never produce
a son of the high type of Woodrow Wil-
son who could be less than a friend to
the colored race. Not only so, but one
race so long deceived and now left for-
saken and wounded by the hand of

The World and all other agencies for
good richly deserve high praise for
bringing to the light a statesman so
eminently suited to the conditions and
demands of the hour.



New York, Oct. 28

[column 2]

Negroes Ask the Withdrawal of
Harmful Patronage

To the Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, Presi-
dent of the United States.


Colored men and women from the
South [?]
North as well, have formed an organiza-
tion in the City of New York for the pur-
pose of liberating the colored race of this
Republic from all troubles and prejudices,
the result of conditions forced upon them
during the civil war and times of recon-
struction. We most humbly ask and most re-
spectfully beg the President to dissolve
and abolish by proclamation all organiza-
tions in the late slave-holding States
known and operated among negroes by the
"Republican," and supported by the
power and patronage of the National Gov-
ernment. Afer the employment of negro
soldiers in the South during the civil war,
almost the entire colored male population
was quickly formed into "Loyal Leagues"
and the "Republican Party," as weapons
against the white people of that section,
the white people being placed at once
upon the defensive, but no statesman at
that time ever ventured the opinion that
it would be less than downright inhuman-
ity, or an act soliciting annihilation to
push negroes into political controversy
with the great body of white people of
the South, supported and [?] by a
[?] of inferior whites with susp-
icion, distrust and dark memories of the
past, the banner of a war party in their
hands, when all war troubles were over
and their life and liberty in the power of
former masters and so confirmed by their
United States Supreme Court from the
appointment of Justice Field by Mr. Lin-
coln to the present time. We thank a
merciful God that since the elements and
spirit of war have been so long employed,
actual casualties have been small. The
white people of the Southern States would
not, under natural conditions, fear their
colored population; very many proofs of
worth and true friendship have been
shown in heavy times past, but they do,
indeed, fear them as an organized force
directed by able white men in the interest
of powerful financial combinations that
would ultimately sweep away the liberties
of white men by selection and control
of their representatives, both State and
National. We have been taught from pul-
pit to corn field to hate a Jefferson Dem-
ocrat and love a Lincoln Republican. We
remember that both before and during
the civil war Mr. Lincoln tried strictly to
follow the doctrine of the great Virginian.
Our white friends at the South are much
discouraged by the constant sowing of
seeds of suspician and distrust among
negroes, while our enemies are furnished
with deadly weapons with which to drive
us to the wall.

Those who may now help to relieve us
from this "body of death" — the employ-
ment of a few negroes with flattery and
petty office to degrade and utterly de-
stroy all peaceful hopes of ten millions
of colored Americans, should receive at
least as much applause as any who
through the storms and necessities of war
helped four millions out of chattel bond-
age forty years ago. 83651

And now, Mr. President, may God help
you to see and do what is just, for when
the day shall come when we are no longer
used as mere human ammunition by white
men to fight our white neighbors upon
whom we must depend, then, and then
only, can we consistently go to James-
town, Va., and on bended knees ask our
God to help us help white men keep sacred
the covenant which He made with the
founders of this Nation. Very respect-
fully, JOHN B. SYPHAX, Chairman.
No. 185 Duffield Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.

A Call to Colored Men.

To the Editor of the World:

It is encouraging to know that col-
ored voters generally appreciate the
fact that the serious muddle late which
selfish politicians have plunged the na-
tion is largely due to the act of mass-
ing the colored vote in the great States
of the North, East and West through
appeals to race prejudice and false
alarms against Democrats and by the
corruput use of Federal patronage, and
that they seek to make reparation by
supporting the whole Democractic ticket
on the 8th of November.

Will not white Republican voters help
us to achieve politial emancipation,
since there are no vital party issues
before the country save such as are in-
volved in the personal interests and
ambitions of Col. Theadore Roosevelt.


New York, Nov. 2

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All of the unreadable [?'s] are from folds in the paper.