(seq. 7)




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Expedition to China :

Date Credits Total Date (Enter as YYYY-MM-DD) Drafts/Debits Total
1906-12-13 Brought forward £23.0.0 1906-12-14 New York: - $ etc
@ each $4.80 = 110.4 1906-12-14 Cab Dock to Railway 3.50
1906-12-14 Lunch 1.00
1906-12-30 Boy Cook 100 1906-12-14 Rail New York to Boston 6.50
1906-12-14 Baggage extras etc 2.00
1907-02-04 By [?] from W. Zappey 27.2 1906-12-14 Car to Hotel, Boston 1.00
1906-12-14 - 1906-12-31 Boston: -
1906-12-14 - 1906-12-31 Meals (twenty-five) 24.00
1906-12-14 - 1906-12-31 Incidental {expenses} 16.00
1906-12-14 - 1906-12-31 Business cards 3.25
1906-12-31 Clark's Hotel 36.64
1906-12-31 Cab to Rail and Baggage extras 2.00
1907-01-05 Meals on Train 31st - 4th {inclusive} 14.50
1907-01-05 Gratuities to Train men 2.50
1907-01-05 Carriage to Hotel 1.00
1907-01-08 Metropole Hotel Oakland 13.75
1907-01-08 Incidental Oakland 7.45
1907-01-08 Baggage Transfer etc 6.45
1907-01-08 Gratuities to Porters 2.20
1907-01-11 Contributions towards
1907-01-11 spent on S.S. "Doric" 2.50
1907-01-14 Hotel [?] Honolulu 6.80
1907-01-14 Incidental Honolulu 3.10
1907-01-28 Japan: - Washing 2.80
1907-01-28 Japan: - Hotels 11.25
1907-01-28 Japan Rail Tokyo to Nagasaki 16.85
1907-02-02 Japan Incidental 28th -2nd {inclusive} 25.30
1907-02-04 Incidental San Francisco
1907-02-04 to Shanghai 17.15
1907-02-04 Gratuities S.S. "Doric" 8.00
1907-02-04 Balance in Hand .11

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