May 7/84
Fourthly. - His views of the office and duties of Mayor is this - the
Mayor has the right and duty to veto all ordinances coming in conflict
with the Organic Act of the Territory or the laws thereof, but that he has no
control over any question of policy or expediency except the right to
vote in case of a tie - but that the duty and responsibility of all such
questions is devolved on the members of the Common Council, and
that it is an usurpation of power on his part to attempt to pass on the
policy or expediency of any Ordinance passed by the Common Council.
Having such views he looked upon the meeting in the Mayor's
office for consultation over the provisions of the Ordinance in question
as doubtful in policy and dangerous in its tendency. He has no
doubt that the object of the Mayor was to subserve the best interests
of the City - but he certainly will not blaim him for his somewhat pos-
itive opinion of the wisdom or policy of such a consultation espec-
ially when it was only attended by the friends and promoters of the
ordinance in question.
Fifthly. - He respectfully denies the right of any Councilman
to make accusations against him for remarks made not in
the Council Room, but in a public meeting, solely affecting the
supposed conduct of the Mayor who is but the presiding and ex-
ecutive Officer of this body and City
In answer to the Fourth accusation this defendant says that it con-
tains a mere expression of opinion and he is not answerable to the
Common Council of the City of Seattle or to a Committee thereof for
his opinions as to the intent of any Ordinance expressed or un-
This defendant in answer to the Fifth accusation made against
him, says that the charge is too general and indefinite to warrant
an investigation of the Common Council or any Committee thereof.
He says the accusation reaches every department of the government and
every operation of human society and it is nowhere alleged that the
declarations were made of or concerning the Common Council, or any
of its members and this Defendant respectfully declines to answer
an accusation so general and indefinite
In answer to the Sixth accusation made against him he says
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