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NOV 30 1914


Kansas City, Mo., Nov., 24th, 1914.

Hon. Woodrow Wilson,
Preident of the United States of America,
Washington, D.C.,

Most Highly Respected Sir:-

Inclosed plsase find copy of resolutions adopted by
Methodist Ministers’ Alliance of this city. The resolutions per-
tain to a matter of vital concern, a matter which effects not- onl
only the rights and priveleges of a vast number of earnest and
honest American Citizens, but tests in a large measure or way, a
the Christian integrity of our civilization itself.

In appealing to your Excellency to right the wrong of
which we complain, we believe that we appeal to a man whose high
character and enlightened conscience are a guarantee that no righ
of even the humblest citizen, will be ignored. We are aware of
your high standing in the literary world; we are aware that your
past associations have been such as inevitably must lift a man
above and beyond the atmosphere of all things mean and small;
and we feel too, that your official position as President of
the greatest republic on earth, places you in a position of
moral and spiritual leadership, which your high attainments will
enable, you to maintain with particular enlightenment, dignity, and
candor. We hope and feel sure that your Excellency will give no
mere passing considerations to the resolutions enclosed.

Very respectfully Yours,
Methodists Ministers' Alliance:
Rev. W. H. Thomas
Rev. W. H. Peck
W. E. Griffin


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