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[stamp: MAR 12 1916 ACKG'D]

March 10th,1916


Dear Sir:

On Feb'y 24th,1916, I took occassion to send
to you the following wire:

Mr.J.P. Tumulty
Secretary to the President, White House, Washington D.C.

The Democratic City Central Committee has failed to take a stand against
the measure to segregate the negroes of this city, to be voted on Feb-
ruary twenty-ninth. The National Convention is to be held in June. The
inaction of the Central Committee may cause segregation. The National
Committee should not be placed in an embarrassing position. Can you
realize the importance of this inaction. John P. Herrmann.

Now that the yellow peril in Congress has passed, I confirm my
telegram. The segregation question like prohibition is a local question
until it becomes a national question.

The inaction of the local central committee will now cause the
matter to come before the national democratic convention, unless we
have a federal decision prior to that time nullifying the act.

I am glad that the y hysteria in Congress has been gored.

Very respectrully youre John P. Hermann


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